First Time Back (At SM Entertainment)

Start from the beginning

They were working with new choreographers and new directors, all of which were geniuses. But Taeyong had to admit, he missed working with a few people. One boy used to belong in his group, in the same unit, someone whose talent was as great as his kindness. Meanwhile the other, is the older brother of this boy, as talented, as kind. One of the major differences between them is that the older one is the one alive. And the leader won't miss the opportunity to rope him back in. Not only because of his brilliance and keen eye to see the personality of NCT. But also because ever since then, he drifted away from them. And from what he's heard, the boy was throwing himself into work. Given this concern and desire, when he saw a man, with features similar to someone he knew, pass by their practice room, he darted out. His members freezing at his actions, not used to him breaking away when they were practicing dance. It was truly a once-in-a-blue-moon moment! But all this was explained when his voice dominated the whole floor, shouting a name they haven't heard for quite a while, "Leon!"

 It was truly a once-in-a-blue-moon moment! But all this was explained when his voice dominated the whole floor, shouting a name they haven't heard for quite a while, "Leon!"

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"Hi, Taeyong hyung." They were not strangers but for the past months, as mourning took place, they almost were. And as they gazed into the other again, before them was someone they knew with pieces foreign. Yet both had developed a cloak of his absence. But before they can scrutinize the other too much, Taeyong took the lead in the conversation. "What are you doing here?" He had assumptions because the word was getting around that Labyrinth Hub might lead in some of their projects. When it first spread, the artists who were fortunate to work with them started buzzing, sharing in the excitement. Meanwhile, the younger groups and trainees asked around about the impact of this news. The leader himself kept an eye out for its confirmation and seeing Leon here today might be one of the standing evidence of such news. "I'm with Ian, we're representing our company for a proposal." He knew that Leon was capable of living this side-by-side life, idol, and businessman. But this was the only time he had seen the younger boy falter.

He didn't break in his speech

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He didn't break in his speech. Rather, his eyes asked a question of doubt and fear. And there was only one person he knew that could make the boy waver transparently. "Are you having second guesses because of Ash not being around here?" The blossom in his eyes wasn't comparable to flowers. They didn't spring tulips of good news. Rather, they were the code to a shield placed for his defenses. And Taeyong knew that if he wanted to help the boy, they had to go somewhere more private. So without warning, he just pulled him, and the Stray Kids member did not resist. Because first, it was his first time in the new building, so better to be led by someone who knows the way. Also, he was tired of putting up walls around the topic of his brother. The walls hurt him as well because they generate closer and closer to his core, trapping him in each newly installed barrier.

"I think you ask the same question as me when I get that look on my face." Both were dancers who understood the art of choreography. And once upon a time, both also consulted a younger boy proficient in using its language. So now that he's gone, the cloak they wear is of the same material as him. "You often wonder what Ash would say if you can ask him, right?" Taeyong wanted to continue with admitting asks that query too. Sometimes he is lucky and gains an answer whispered to through the wind. But most of the time, he has to search for the piece of their flower boy within him, and pry the answers through memories. Maybe Leon needed to be taught the same technique, as he lost his way. "So do the same now. What would Ash say if you were given a chance to craft a performance for his dongsaengs? Would Ash want you to help these young talented individuals discover their skill?"

Right now, Taeyong was prying open the photo album in his head. Forcing himself to relive what is beautiful and now painful because it was worth it. If he could aid a man who is a big brother to Ash, and a good friend to him, then let it happen. Of course, these memories brought out unsaid confessions that had to be disclosed now. "Because there's one thing I once envied you for, one thing that made Jaehyun so obviously jealous of you." That fight, those feelings he had that hindered him from helping the two lovers. He hid it well but Taeyong couldn't interfere because he also saw Jaehyun's side. He had the same feelings of being insufficient for Ash. "It's how you invited Ash to recognize his talent. Out of all the people he met, you were the first to truly believe him. Others had to hurt him first, force him to show his diamond skin, and decide he was worth the attention after all. But you stepped in his life, fully believed him, and through this, you saved him."

"It was the first step to him seeing he was worthy of being loved, being loved in the way love is meant to care and not to hurt." When he died, Leon lost sight of why he built Labyrinth Hub. Ash was the living proof to how his faith in others could ignite their self-worth in themselves. And when he was taken away from him, it was like his own candles blew at the same time. Yet, Taeyong gave him the match he lost in the dark. And he gave it to Leon, to make him believe in his own deeds and continue to pay it forward. Because it is what Ash did in his life. He paid forward the confidence Leon gave him and made it his mission to use his talent as an instrument for inspiration.

So when he stepped into that meeting room, it was clear what his decision was. He may have been the man missing for a few minutes. But he also was the man with the final answer to the proposal. "Okay, I agree with Labyrinth Hub, specifically me, mentoring trainees and newly debuted idols." Ash inspired Leon to be kind because even if the world did Ash wrong, he never wanted to take it out on others. Instead, he gave goodness away for free. Not out of charity but out of confidence that the world was worth his kind acts. And Leon would do the same, mentor and inspire. A mission of cutting puppets out of strings, and giving them the confidence to allow their heart rhythm to live, knowing their worth and their talent.

SM Entertainment would never be the same without Ash. But he'd always linger in the mission of Labyrinth Hub.

A/N: This chapter was to be released a little later. But take it as my thank you, readers. You gave me 100 000 reads in Leon's story and honestly, it feels like a dream. Thank you for trusting the space I weave and giving me a home as well as you stay in my crafted dimensions

 Thank you for trusting the space I weave and giving me a home as well as you stay in my crafted dimensions

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I may write something of comfort. But I continue to build on and expand because of the people who also made this space my home, my readers. Thank you. - Aid

 - Aid

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