"It's none of your business Shaun." she simply replied.

"I know..." His only remarks sounded defeated.

"Tell me, why are you doing this? After you made me look like a fool in the cafe, after you abandoned me even after everything, I did for you. How dare you ask this to me?" Jess said with a hint of frustration.

Her cheeks were red from the impending emotion she wanted to throw at Shaun. How could this man treat her coldly before and now he's acting sorry? His actions infuriated her.

"I know I hurt you, Jessie... I was a fool." He replied.

"Oh, so what now? That makes it acceptable. What changes your mind? I remember how you mocked me and said I was plain and boring, how you talked behind my back. How you used my adoration towards you as a disgusting thing and now when things finally fall into place and something good happens to my life, you will come back crawling and snuck your nose to the things that I do now? Tell me Shaun, how does that sound to you?" She stated her breathing was erratic.

Shaun then clasped his hair and closed his eyes. When he opened it back, he directed his gaze to the darkness in front of them.

"You know how much I want this career for myself Jess, I worked so hard and sacrificed so much just to be here. You have witnessed my struggles as I continue to accept rejection after rejection and when my position has finally been secured. The pressure that's associated with it is massive." He tried to explain. Jess remained silent as she continued to listen.

"The success I want involves having no distractions and potential factors that can ruin my image." He then looks at Jess. "Thinking back, the management didn't say it specifically, but the message was clear, you can potentially ruin me if I didn't cut ties with you."

Jess was wide-eyed. So, he was pressured? But if she matters to him, he should have dealt with it accordingly and not chosen to toss her aside like trash.

"I didn't think of you at that time and was only focused on what's best for me. You were someone who's constant in my life Jess and has always been selfless, I thought you would just think of this as one of my episodes like when we were younger, that you would eventually give in and forgive my hastened acts." He added answering Jess's thoughts.

"It still didn't justify the fact that you hurt me," Jess stated but this time, her earlier emotion diffused. Her voice was calm but there was a hint of pain in her voice.

Shaun claimed her hands and tightly held them. He stared at her.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just want to clear the air with you, you have been there for me even when we were kids and I don't want to lose you, realizing this makes me even more ashamed of what I did. I'm sorry." He sincerely stated.

Jess realized that this is what she had wanted ever since the day he abandoned her, have Shaun come to his senses and apologize to her, she wanted this day to come but instead of feeling accomplished, she was torn. She wanted to make him pay still and hurt him, but at the same time, apart from her understood what pushed him to do such things. So, which is which? Be the bigger person or use this card to inflict more harm?

Jess suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her head. All these exchanges of conversation are giving her a headache. She doesn't want to deal with it anymore, not for now at least.

"I don't know what prompted you to change your mind of keeping an arm's length from me, you were already doing a good job of making me hate you to the core. But I can't forgive you, Shaun, you tore me into pieces, and you hurt me. A simple apology won't heal what I've been through."

Jess then stood up, adjusted her dress, and removed some sand dust as her eyes went to Shaun once again.

"Let's see what tomorrow may bring. I'll see you around Shaun." She then walks away from him as she traces the path heading to the lobby.

She saw Rick's figure as he stood there at the entrance waiting for her. When he saw a glimpse of her, he readily went to her aid.

"Are you okay?' he simply asked.

Jess nodded without further thought. Rick embraced her, bringing her into his arms, and sending warmth to her senses.

She closed her eyes and allowed the moment to linger.

She wondered what it takes to be in Rick's arms forever. What's the consequence if she wishes for such a thing to happen, is it going to cause another heartache and suffering for her? Is she willing to go through it all over again?

She breathed. She can't answer that yet, for now, she only lives with this moment on Rick's arm not minding the darkness in her surroundings. For now, this is enough for her.

"I am here..." His words were heard, and Jess tightened the embrace even more.

They remained like that for a few minutes and Jess abandoned all the tiny voices in her mind as she allowed herself to be vulnerable in the eyes of Rick Reed. 

Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now