A dream come true

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sorry for not updating for a while! I've been very busy...

Im lost. I have lost him. I can't see him. All I can see is what appears to be hundreds of screaming fans going crazy. I couldn't shout, he wouldn't hear me. Plus, I wouldn't be the only one calling his name. What do I even do?

I chose the easiest option. I ran away from the crowd, even though I knew Damiano was in it. I knew he wouldn't be where I was heading, but hopefully we find a way back together. I sped through the airport towards the exit, where I stood trying to tug my phone out of my bag in attempt to call the taxi we were supposed to get.

"Hello?" I asked, as the number finally responded.

"Hi. Can I help?"

"Hi! Me and my boyfriend are supposed to be getting picked up by you, about now?"

"Yes, yes. Im here. I'm in the private parking"

"Ok, thank you so much! See you soon."

I quite literally charged to the parking area. I just wanted Damiano to be there by the time I arrived.

He wasn't though. I had arrived and gotten in the taxi. But he still isn't here. I could try calling him? Shit. Phones dead. My god. I really thought touring with him would go smoothly. I'm so stupid.

We waited and waited. He still isn't here.

"Sorry miss, do you know how long your boyfriend will be? I do have another job to get to." The taxi driver asked. I didn't know what to say. My hands were sweating  and I was starting to get anxious, I couldn't even call him. It's been 45 minutes.

"I don't know what to say. He should've been here like an hour ago. I don't know what to do" I confess, lost for words.

"I could always just take you?" He suggests. I couldn't leave Damiano here though. I don't want to run off. But apparently I have no choice.

"I don't know-"

"Miss I'm sorry. If I don't take you alone NOW, I can't take you atall" he says, turning the car engine on.

"Ok, ok" I give in. I'll have to call him when I get back to our hotel.

I'm so upset still. I mean I'm driving through Paris for the first time, the most romantic city in the world. And my boyfriend isn't even here with me, I don't even know where he's gone. Yes, I know he's probably fine, but still show have we already been separated. Typical isn't it. It's the most beautiful city. The flashing lights, the buildings, the culture. Beautiful.

We arrive at the hotel. Wow. Wow. Wow. It's lovely.
I head inside. It's so glamorous, so luxurious and spacious.

"Hello" I say to the lady at the checkin. "I have a room booked"

"Yes, ok what's the name?" She says in her joyful, French accent. I love it.

"Should be under Damiano David" I tell her.

"Oui, oui. He checked in about ten minutes ago. Room 111, here is your key"

Oh. Well, he's the one that didn't wait then. Weird.

After climbing what felt like a million stairs, I unlocked the door with my key to see him, smoking out on the balcony. His hair was messy, his shirt button was undone. He really does look like a god. I'm so lucky.

"Hellooo" I call, as I put my bags down on the bed.

Damiano puts his cigarette out and walks inside. He pulls me closer to his lips by pulling my hips towards him. We kiss.

"Amore, I was worried about you. Why didn't you answer your phone?" He asks, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"My phone died! How did you get here?" I ask, putting my arms around his back, hugging him.

"I took another taxi. I couldn't find the one we booked" he tells me.

"Ohh. I was so worried" I laughed. "When you got dragged away in the crowd, I didn't know what to do" I tell him.

"I knew you'd be ok" he tells me, kissing my forehead. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Ok, so now your here, you better start getting ready"


"Yes, I've booked us dinner in the Eiffel Tower" he smirks.


I've always said that's my ideal date. He makes my dreams come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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