Name Please

922 43 30

I was at the airport.

God, have I even made the right decision?

I don't know. All I know is that I love Damiano too much to make him choose me over his career.

He's on the tour of his dreams! I don't want to ruin it and make it so he has to stay with me instead of going out partying, meeting fans... having fun.

I was so sure about going, but now all I want to do is run back to Damiano, into his arms, forever.

My flight is scheduled to leave in about half an hour.
My phones about to die though, so I don't know what I'll do on the plane. Dami has been blowing my phone up with calls and texts after calls and texts.

"Marlena where are you right now, come back"
"Marlena call me back"
"Fuck this tour, I only want you"
"For fucks sake, answer me"

I felt awful. But I can't feel responsible for holding back his career... again. I want him to be successful. I hope he knows I'll be right home waiting for him, when he comes back.

"Flight 102 please head to the gate. The plane is leaving in 25 minutes"

The airport speakers boom. Fuck I've gotta go.

I pick up my suitcase,  struggling whether I've made the right choice again. I don't think I'll ever decide. I walk along to my gate and join the queue wondering what Damiano is doing currently.

I miss him already.

Fuck me, why am I so emotional? A tears starts to trickle down my cheek.

I want to stay with him of course, I adore the man. But I don't want to ruin his tour and make all his priority based on me. But at the same time, I know how much I'm going to miss him. Like I did before. I need his touch. Everyday. I need him. He's my soulmate. I swear he is.

The queue however, moves quicker than I expected. I've made the right choice. Yes, yes I have. I breathe in and out, and in and out. Closing my eyes, to find a sense of peace within the moment.

"Next please" the woman at the desk says.

Fuck that's me. But suddenly as I step forward, I feel confident. Confident, I've done the right thing. Confident, I've made the right choice. Confident, me and Dami will be fine.

"Hi! Welcome to London Airways, may I take your name?" She asks.


What? I turn around, confused. It wasn't me that answered...

Oh god. There he was. Standing behind the security, trying to push his way through.

"Don't leave, please! We'll make this work this way! I can't let you go for like 5 more months!"

Damiano crys, making the whole airport stare.

What am I going to do now?

 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐀 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐀Where stories live. Discover now