Perfect Strangers

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"This is what you told me we shouldn't do. The reason you ignored all my calls?"

What's happening? He ignores me for 3 weeks and now wants me to be with him every minute for the next 6 months? Jesus.

"Yes it was. But now I'm with you I can't resist you"

"I shouldn't have come should I? I've missed you so much, but hearing you earlier had made me come to some sense that you need to put your career first sometimes..."

"No career is worth as much as you are, amore mio"

I can't help but blush. I don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin his career! I want him to be successful, and that might just mean refusing the offer.

"Damiano, I love you. But like you said, this tour is so important. I don't want to get in the way"

"You wouldn't be. Think of it like we're travelling the world together but I go out a lot.."

"But I would be! You should be out meeting your fans after concerts, not feeling the responsibility to come and almost babysit me!"

I tell him, trying to give him some reason to put his career first. Something I never thought I'd do or say. Maybe I can be selfish sometimes.

"Marlena please" he says, looking into my eyes, picking up my hands, holding them. "I don't want to be apart from you for this long"

I lean forward, wrapping my arms around him. I pull him into a tight hug. I really do feel safe like this. I wish I could go with him. But I love him enough to have realised how much I want him to strive with his music career.

"I really do love you" he clarifies.

"I know. I love you too. But that's enough for me to tell you, I don't want to get in the way or your career. Something you've worked so hard for, something you've put all you're time into, something you've wanted since childhood. You get me?"

"Yes Marlena, but I've also wanted you since the first time we met. I don't what this to make us drift apart, I don't want to end up strangers when I come back" he says, pulling me in tighter.

"That will never happen. Just call me"

I say, pulling out of his grip. Standing up and lifting my suitcase off it's side.

"Marlena, please stay"

He says, standing up as well.

"I'll call you" I say, beginning to cry as I pull the door open and walk out.

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