Head and Heart

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I pull away.

"No, no. This isn't right. We broke up for a reason Damiano" I say.

Even though I want him so badly, it didn't work out the first time.

"I know we broke up for a reason. But isn't there a better reason for us to get back together?" He asks. Still out of breath from our kiss.

"That reason being?" I ask, feeling tempted to grab his face again.

"Well clearly we both still love each other. Is that true?" He responds.

He stares into my eyes. Almost like he can read my mind and see what I'm thinking. I look down to my knees and close my eyes while I take a deep breath.

"Damiano- I do love you. I want you more than anything. But I can't, it will hurt us both again. I don't want to go through the breaking up, whole thing again. You don't understand how much that hurt me and I know it hurt you. I don't want you to go through that again either because I do care so much for you. And I've just felt almost ready to move on from you and, well now I'm not to sure if I must be honest"

My eyes start to tear up again. I feel stuck in a dilemma. Head or heart again. I just don't know.

"I wouldn't mind that pain again even if it means I only get a short time being with you. But hopefully, this time it will be forever" he says.

"This time?" I ask. Is he assuming we're back together?

"Yes. Please Marlena. I've missed you so much, I need you, you're the only thing I want. Please, can we give us one more go?"

"Damiano, I just don't know... I don't want to go through this again. It went horribly with everything last time. Imagine what this time will be like?"

"It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. If we know where we stand with each other. I'm sure that we will work, no matter what"

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and begins to rub the side of my cheek with his thumb.

I lean forward to him, our lips are so nearly about to meet again. But then something stops me.

"No, I'm sorry I can't"

I open my door and step out the car back into the rain, which is even heavier now. I've made the right choice. I start to walk, wrapping my arms around myself.

But then, I hear another car door close. Damiano starts to jog towards me to catch me up.

"Marlena, please. I love you" he says.

I say nothing. I only throw my hands behind his head and pull his lips into mine.

We kiss passionately. Rain pouring onto the both of us. Lighting striking over our heads.

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