Mamma Mia

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At last we landed, in Paris. The city of Love. Looking out the airplane window, the sun begins to rise. I am so tired. I haven't slept atall. Damiano however, is still laying asleep, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Dami" I whisper, trying to subtly wake him.

He looks so perfect asleep. He looks so gentle, so peaceful.

"Damiano" I whisper again.

His eyes slowly open.

"Are you ok?" He asks, as he places his hands on my thigh.

"Yes, we're here though. Time to get off the plane" I tell him, as he lifts his head off my shoulder.

"Can't wait" he tells me, as he stands up, bringing both our luggage down from the storage space.

I go to take my bag from him.

"Marlena, don't even argue, I'm carrying your bag" he demands, as I retreat from my seat and follow him to the exit.

"My god it's cold" I moan, as we walk down the airplane stairs.

"You want my coat?" He asks, taking it off without me being able to respond.

"Don't worry, I can survive 2 minutes cold"

"So can I" he says, as he puts out bags down, walking around me and putting his coat over my arms.

"I love you" I tell him, giving him a quick kiss.

"Anch'io te amo, mi amore"

I hold his hand, as we walk over to the main airport.
I never thought I'd be lucky enough to get to come to Paris, with the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. How have I been so lucky?

Then, a man, wearing a high vis jacket, rushes over to us, as we are approaching the entrance to the airport.

"Damiano?" He asks, as he stops in front of us.

"Sì, that's me" Damiano replies, holding his hand out to shake.

They shake hands. The man holds his hand out to me aswell, so I take it too.

"Sorry, I just have to inform you, you both, that there are a lot of people in there, expecting your arrival"

"Oh really? Okay cool!" Damiano says. "Thank you for telling me"

"Is that ok, Marlena?" He asks me. He knows I get anxious around his fans. He strokes my arm.

"Yes, of course" I smile, being brave. "It's absolutely fine, you just know I get a little nervous"

"Don't worry, you're with me. I wouldn't ever let anything bad happen to you, ever. I promise you"'he says, comforting me. He kisses my forehead, before we continue walking.

We finally reach the airport. We manage to get through security in one peace, no trouble atall. But then the doors open to baggage claim and my god. There must be at least a hundred people screaming Damiano's name right now. Honestly, I feel honoured to call him mine at moments like these. Well all the time I'm honoured really.

"Mamma Mia" Damiano mumbles, gripping my hand more tightly. "Come on, just smile and follow me"

He guides me through the crowded room, by his hand. Unfortunately, it was not that smooth. Within seconds, I am pulled into the crowd. I cannot move, it's too busy. It's too loud, he won't hear me amongst everyone else calling his name too. I can't even see him anymore.

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