"W-What do you mean?"

"I felt my soulmark react. It was as if he was in this room with me." She said softly playing with the ring on her finger as she looked up with glossy eyes.

"I hate how much I miss him." She said.

"I miss him too Kara." Ellie said, "But when he's ready, he'll come back."

"Ugh this is so dumb." Kara mumbled as she sat on the couch as Ellie sat next to her.

"Do you think it's about time to look for him?"

"I breached his trust once. I don't want to do it again."

"I hate seeing you like this. You can't keep doing this alone."

"Barry did it alone for three years. I can do it for a few more weeks or months until he comes back."

"Don't strain yourself Kara." Ellie said, "Rely on me more. I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Even when you're all grown up, even when you're in a wedding dress and even when you have kids, you'll always be my cute little sister." Kara smiled warmly as she pinched Ellie's ear.

"Do you miss mom and dad?"

"Of course I do." Kara smiled, "What do you miss?"

"What I miss? I miss being able to say my name is Elzera Zor-El and not Ellie Danvers."

"I thought you didn't like your name. That's why you shortened it to Ellie."

"Yeah but it's our last name Danvers that bothers me. It just represents how alien we are to this planet. So alien in fact that we can't even be ourselves and instead have to hide it from people."

"Aren't you happier here then on Krypton?"

"Yes and no. On Krypton I could be myself, I didn't have to wear stupid red sun bracelets and lead lined glasses."

"But on both planets we had to hide who we are." Kara added.

"Will anywhere accept us for who we are?" Ellie asked quietly.

"That's a hard question Ell. But I know that people in our lives make us feel accepted, they make us feel at home." She said.

"Like Bar-" Ellie stopped herself from saying his name because she knows how much his absence is hurting her sister and those words would be like another dagger in her chest.

"Yeah....like Barry."

Kara felt her phone buzz then looked at her screen.

'Come to STAR Labs ASAP.'

"Iris wants us at STAR Labs now." Kara said as Ellie smiled.

"Race you there?" She asked as Kara smirked at her.

"You wanna race Supergirl?"

"You mean I want to beat Supergirl." Ellie remarked.

"You're on, Elzera."

The two Kryptonian sisters used their flight and speed and flew towards STAR Labs with the wind blowing through their hair and Kara's cape flowing behind her and unfortunately flowing in front of Ellie as well.

Unlike Kara, Ellie had no excuse to constantly use her powers and combined with her studies she didn't have enough time for regualr training. 

Kara landed at STAR Labs and a few second later saw Ellie land next to her, "All bark, no bite." Kara said as Ellie let out a huff.

"If I was also a superhero I totally would have beat you." She grumbled pressing the elevator buton.

"Aww, don't lie to yourself." Kara cooed rubbing Ellie's shoulder as she slapped her hand away.

The two of them rode the elevator in silence and walked into the Cortex, "What's going on?" Kara asked.

"We received a transmission from....from outer space."

"W-What?" Ellie asked, "It might be a bounty hunter calling for Barry."

"That's what we thought as well." Caitlin said, "Kara...I think it's time."

"I-Is there any other way?" Kara asked quietly.

"This is for his own good. Wherever he is, he won't know what is coming to him and everyone around him right now will be in danger." Iris said, "Look I know you want to respect Barry's decision, we all do. But it's been five months, this city needs him...you need him."

"Cisco....." Kara asked as he nodded with a twizzler in his mouth

"Already on it." Cisco said turning around in his chair and typing on his computer and a few seconds he tapped his keyboard on last time and a red dot appeared on the moniters.

"Coast City." He said.

"Let's get him back."

Love Across The Stars - Superflash AuWhere stories live. Discover now