Ch. 81 - Out of the Woods

Start from the beginning

"No headshots!" Hunter heard his father yell outside.

"How are you holding up?" Zekaj said as Hunter turned around and faced him.

Zekaj had grown out his beard and it now was a couple inches longer than usual. Though they still made sure it was nicely trimmed and unkempt. Hunter loved it personally.

He kept cozy in his black sweatshirt with the hood up. It went nicely with his paler skin and black hair and beard.

"I'm alright," Hunter said, unsure if he was actually alright. But with Zekaj here, he knew it was the truth. They were alright. Everything was alright.

"Good," Zekaj smiled. "Don't want you to be a downer when we go on vaca."

"I won't be, I swear!" Hunter chuckled. He was quite ready to just get to relax with Zekaj on the beach and in a warm jacuzzi. Just the two of them, alone.

Zekaj kissed Hunter deeply before pulling away and holding his hand.

"Imma head back outside with the others," Zekaj squeezed Hunter's hand gently. "Come out when you're ready, alright? We can head home after and take a warm bath."

"Sounds good," Hunter smiled, looking down at their feet.

Zekaj pulled them into a hug and kissed Hunter's cheek before leaving the room. But first stopping at the door frame and turning back.

"We made a lot of memories in this room, but it's time to make some new ones. Don't ya think?"

Hunter only nodded and turned back to look out the window. The demon's retreating footsteps got quieter and quieter as he left the house.

Through the window, Hunter watched Zekai ready a snowball and was about to throw it when he suddenly froze in place.

The demon in human form suddenly turned looking west, staring off into the distance. His snowball fell to the ground as he remained motionless.

Volveth hadn't noticed as he was dodging snowballs that weren't being thrown at him. He was too focused on trying to make snowballs and had his eyes on the snow.

Suddenly, without warning, he shook it off and began throwing snowballs at Volveth again.

Hunter shook it off, though the worrying feeling in the back of his head never went away.

Zekai had been better for a while, he just hoped his mood wasn't destroyed again. The demon seemed to have bounced right back unlike last time.

The time for stalling had passed and Hunter slowly flipped the light switch and the lights to his room turned off. Only the glow of the sun hitting the white snow shined in what once was his room.

Gently, Hunter turned the doorknob and slowly closed the door. One last glance, he peered into the empty room. Leaving behind what was once his home, but keeping the memories he cherished forever.

The gentle click of the lock was all he heard as he stepped away.

Their future looked bright and as Hunter stepped outside, leaving this house for the last time, he felt even more ready for the future.

His father and Zekaj had been sitting on the steps to the home together, neither talking to the other really but showing that they were on better terms. Both had slowly warmed up to each other, especially Zekaj who straight up despised his father.

Hunter's demon turned back around at him as he felt the mate bond tighten as the two got closer. Zekaj's pale gold eyes glowing in the sunlight causing them to be even more alluring and beautiful than usual.

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