I scooted closer to the wall and farther away from him. Being close to him right now made me feel too sick and confused for my own good. Despite being angry and disgusted, just laying here is actually quite boring.

I switched on my phone and texted Tay.

Tay 💦🙊

Aiden, baby, go check your insta DMs.

  You know, some people are actually busy right?
Read 8:03
EW TAY WTF!!?? Is this what's on your insta feed???
Read 8:04am

I say nothing.

Hey, I can't sleep 🙄 You'll never guess what happened.

I decided not to text her any further since she might actually be asleep. I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't though.

Taylen could stay awake like nobody else I ever knew. I don't know how she does it. I'd be fine to never find out. Staying up late makes me feel miserable the next day. That's why I'd rather go to bed early.

I checked my phone again to see if Tay replied yet. Nothing. It was now ten past four in the morning. I can't believe I've already been awake for an hour. It feels like a few minutes. It's crazy how time flies when you're alone with your thoughts.

Except I'm not alone, and speaking of the literal devil, I could feel Seth beginning to stir. I closed my eyes in case he was waking up. I can't face him right now.

I felt his weight lift off of the bed and I tried not to move. I heard his footsteps walking in the direction of the window. The sound suddenly stopped and I heard nothing after that. I didn't think he'd be the type to stare out of a window peacefully.

I slowly turned around to see what he was up to. To my surprise, I saw him sitting with his knees to his chest, staring out into the dark sky. One would almost think he was a normal person.

He sat there for a while, and I watched him for some reason. I had nothing else to do. When he turned around to get up I quickly closed my eyes and hoped that I haven't been caught.

Again, I heard his footsteps. They were coming closer to me and then they stopped. Is that asshole staring at me?! I hope not. Then I heard his footsteps slowly leave the room.

I quickly sat up and tried to listen where he went next. I don't know why I care. I shouldn't care. He is a creep. I heard him going down the hallway last before my alarm suddenly rang. It was time to get up. At least it wouldn't look weird if I was awake now.

I stood up and walked out of my bedroom. Maybe I could still see where he went. I walked down the hallway and searched the kitchen and the living room swiftly. He was gone. For some reason I found it kind of weird that he could just disappear like that. Although, I'm not mad at it.

School was going to be weird today. I have to see Ryan after I accidentally pushed him down the stairs. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Do I confront him and apologize? Hopefully not because I hate confrontation. What if he confronts me first?

I heard my phone chime, letting me know that Tay had replied.

Tay 💦🙊

EW TAY WTF!!?? Is this what's on your insta feed???
Read 8:04am

I say nothing.

Hey, I can't sleep 🙄 You'll never guess what happened.
Read 5:07 am

u can tell me @ school 🙊 see ya in 20 😉

I chuckled and locked my phone so I could get ready. Tay wouldn't be Tay if she wasn't extra. I guess I have to tell her what happened with Seth now. It probably wasn't a good idea to text her while I was half awake. I don't even know if I want to talk about it.

Tay is going to lose her shit when she finds out. I just hope she doesn't confront him or say anything to my parents. I trust her with my life, but that girl has no chill and my parents are Jesus freaks. That's probably not a nice term to use but it's true. Jesus is more important to them than me, and they can't even see him.

I rolled my eyes and walked back down the hallway into the bathroom. Today I'm spilling all of the tea to my best friend, and I have to face a scary guy that I accidentally pushed down a flight of stairs. If I'm doing all of that, I should at least look cute.

I got dressed in some light straight cut jeans and a simple white oversized T-shirt. I matched the shirt with some white converse sneakers and socks with a funky pattern on them. I then went over to the mirror and decided to wear my chain necklace since I haven't worn it in a while. One thing I'd never forget is my rings. I love jewelry. I had a ring for every finger and then some, and today I decided to wear most of them. They make me feel more confident with my hands.

After I did all of the boring stuff like brushing my teeth and doing my hair, I sprayed myself with my favorite cologne and made my way out of the house. Today was going to be very interesting.


Heyy! I know these chapters have been a little bit longer. I've just been enjoying the writing process a lot more. Let me know if you're enjoying the longer ones! Also I'm posting this a day early because I won't be able to post it tomorrow!

Also what do we think about Seth? Do we still like Ryan?

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