33. lazy day

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Karl woke to the feeling of gentle fingers running down his back, he couldn't remember leaving the car the night before but the room he was in now felt warm and comfortable, unlike the unwelcoming cell he had been in at the clinic.

"Good morning pretty boy," Nick whispered with a soft smile once Karl had opened his eyes, "You must have been exhausted, you slept like a log last night."

Karl allowed his eyes to open all the way so he could look at the others soft expression, "Oh..."

"I made you breakfast, come on baby, want me to carry you downstairs?"

Karl could feel his stomach begging for food and the smell coming from the kitchen was undeniably good. "I can walk myself, but thank you," he giggled softly and sat up stretching his arms.

Nick smiled softly and stood up, holding Karl's hand almost the instant he stood up, causing Karl to let out a soft giggle, "I thought I was the clingy one," he teased.

"Shhhh I missed you," Nick smiled as he walked downstairs and to the kitchen with him. "Okay, sit down, I've been practicing this shit," Nick smiled proudly as he started to measure out the food, making sure Karl had the right amount of nutrition needed for the meal. "Tida!" He said proudly as handed him the plate, "That's the amount you need for breakfast but if you're still hungry then definitely eat more, listen to your body."

Karl watched the other do all the preparations with a soft smile, he found it sweet how eager the other was to help him. It made him feel less guilty about everything. "Yes mom," he teased before leaning over to kiss his cheek, "Thank you though, I really appreciate it. Will you eat with me though?" He asked softly as he picked his fork up.

"Of course pretty boy, I waited for you to wake up so we could eat together," he smiled at him, dishing himself up the same amount as Karl so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable eating that much in front of him. It was a simple gesture but Karl really appreciated it. Maybe he would actually recover, being with Nick made anything feel possible.

The last few bites were difficult but Karl managed to finish everything on the plate which earned him a proud smile from Nick.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Karl asked as Nick took the plates, placing them into the dishwasher.

"I thought we could just stay in together, have a bit of a lazy day," Nick smiled softly as he sat next to the other again, "We can play Mario party, Clay set up the Xbox like a week ago," Nick shrugged, letting out a chuckle when he saw Karl's eager nod, "I'm gonna beat your ass," the brunette giggled.

"You fucking wish," Nick laughed softly and went to the living room with him.

He turned everything on before sitting down and pulling Karl onto his lap.

"You know how easily I can distract you now?" Karl joked as he leant against him.

"You wouldn't though, that's cheating," Nick laughed, only getting a grin back from Karl as the game started.

"I win bitch!" Karl smiled, excitedly jumping up as the game ended.

"Well done," Nick laughed and quickly moved a pillow over his lap as the other jumped up which caused Karl to raise an eyebrow at him. "You good?" He chuckled.

"Y-yeah, I'm great, don't worry about it," Nick laughed softly.

"Move the pillow."


"Oh my god, are you hard?" Karl laughed.

"Maybe," Nick chuckled and stood up, holding the pillow still, "I'm gonna go take a cold shower for no specific reason, you can keep playing so long," he laughed before dropping the pillow and sprinting to the bathroom.

"You're such an idiot," Karl joked as he sat down again, restarting the game on single player.

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