9. the not so pretty part

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Karl found himself thankful that Sapnap hadn't stayed the night in his room. The other had offered but he politely declined as he didn't want Nick to witness the result of all the laxatives he had taken.

By the time 2am came around Karl woke up, a sharp pain in his stomach reminded him of all the pills he had swallowed not to long ago. He rushed to the bathroom, locking the door, and hurried over to the toilet.

This wasn't anything he was proud of, it was probably his most embarrassing secret. He didn't count the passing minutes he had spent in the bathroom but he counted how many times he found himself laying on the floor from the stomach pain before picking himself back up to rush to the toilet again. A total for four times, each time laying on the floor for a bit longer than the last but eventually he felt everything was out of his system.

He shakily brought himself back over to the scale - down 2 kilograms, not bad. Despite the pain and sweat dripping from his forehead, he smiled at the lower number. It wasn't much but it was a small something to be proud of.

After stepping off the scale, he made his way to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water to cure the dry feeling in his mouth. He hated feeling this way, he hated the immense guilt he felt whenever he ate and he hated living like this but it was too hard for him to feel any other way.

Seeking comfort, he went over to the guestroom and quietly opened the door. Sapnap was asleep with the light on and his phone on the pillow next to him. Karl smiled to himself knowing that the other must have fallen asleep accidentally. He moved closer, moving Sapnaps phone to the bedside table and laying down next to him instead.

"Hm Karl?" mumbled Sapnaps' sleepy voice causing a faint smile to show on the older boys face, "Yeah it's me," Karl whispered back, "Can I sleep here tonight?"

Sapnap didn't say anything in return, but instead wrapped his arms around Karl and smiled faintly as he nestled against him. "Sweet dreams Karl"

"Good night Nick."


disclaimer- this chapter is kinda gross and uncomfy lmao but this is a real part of being deep into an ed and i think it needs to be included for an accurate portrayal. obviously everyone experiences things differently so this might not be a universal experience but i do feel like it's a common one and it definitely was part of my experience. anywayyy this is just another trigger warning i guess cause i don't want to make anyone uncomfy or fall into bad habits. this is just a comfort story for me and i really didnt expect it to get any reads lmaoo but we're almost at 1k?? thank you guys so much, and thank you for all the love and support <3

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