14. crush

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"Can I leave yet?" Karl sighed as the nurse scribbled down his height and weight in the necessary forms. He didn't want to be pushy but all he wanted was to go back home. He didn't want the stupid diet plan that they had given him and he didn't want to have to come back for them to check on his weight.

"You can leave today once someone comes and fetches you. We're not allowed to just let you leave," They explained in a friendly voice despite it already being rather late that night.

Thankfully, one phone call to Jimmy was all it took for him to agree to drive over to the hospital. The car ride back was silent, not uncomfortable, yet still begging to be broken. The silence finally shattered when Jimmy took the turn off away from Karl's cold and empty house, "Where are we going?" the brunette asked as he picked at the skin on his hand.

"Sleepover at my house," Jimmy smiled softly as he glanced to him, "Don't worry, you'll be back home in time to go pick up Nick tomorrow, I know you wouldn't want to miss that."

"Thank you."

"And, uh, I may have gone to your house earlier to pack for you tonight. You still have that hoodie next to your pillow...it's Nick's right?"


Jimmy grinned as he pulled into his driveway, parking the car, and turning to face Karl, "You like him," he teased, the grin stuck on his face.

"Oh shut up," Karl chuckled with a soft blush as he shook his head, "We're just really good friends."

"I've seen the way you two look at each other, you're not just friends."

"Maybe, I do like him a bit, whatever, it doesn't matter," Karl said as he struggled to hide the small smile that formed at the thought of them being together. He got out of the car before Jimmy could say another word, causing the other to chuckle a bit.

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