5. mornings

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The repetitive beeping of his alarm clock woke Karl the next morning. He was greeted by the all too familiar pain in his head. Maybe today he should at least try to eat a meal, at least to make Nick relax a bit. If Nick saw him eat at least once then maybe he would stop worrying for a bit.

He would worry about it later though, right now he needed to focus on the stream that they had planned. He was excited about it, viewers had wanted to see him and Nick together for awhile now and it was finally going to happen.

Karl out of bed and made his way over to the shower. He knew that his viewers wouldn't be able to tell whether or not he had showered that morning but he preferred to be clean and to look his best whenever a camera was on him. It helped to boast his confidence, at least for a few short moments.

As he stepped out of the warm water, he hugged his towel around himself like a baby hugging onto his blankie, before making his way to his room.

"Morning Karl," Nick's sweet morning voice greeted him from a few steps away causing a small smile to form as Karl hugged his towel tighter around himself. "Hey Sapnap," he answered with a giggle as the other ruffled his wet hair causing it to fall into his eyes "Niiiick" he whined as he pushed the hair out of his eyes causing Nick to laugh, "You're cute."

Karl blushed softly at those two words. They had flirted over call for so long but just those two words made his heart flutter more than normal. "Oh shut up," he giggled happily and shook his head, "You're really flirting with me while I'm here in a towel?" he teased causing Nick to now turn red but Karl spoke again before he could, "I'm ganna get dressed, we're streaming in an hour."

With that, Karl walked away into his room and got dressed for the stream. He wore something simple- just black jeans a sweater he had thrifted a while ago.

A few moments later, he sat in his streaming room with a white unopened monster with him. He hit the 'go live' button and grinned happily, "What's up chat!" he said excitedly as he bounced on his chair a bit, "I have a surprise for you today."

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