(NOT A CHAPTER) - I'll Find You

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I explained why I cancelled it in the previous post, so let's just go over the chapters.

If you like this, why not go check out my other books?

Reunion - Pico x Boyfriend (REMADE!)

This one is terrible at first, but the writing gets better as I go on.

Fire Head - Pico x Reader

This is my best example of writing mostly. I know I say it a bunch but cmon, it's hard to be proud of stories.

I'm Fine - Benjamin x Pico

Okay, this one isn't out but I'll make sure it'll be great when it is! I'll try but I don't know all the lore of soft mod.

Okay onto the chapter review!

It's short, but nice intro I guess. It was originally planned to be a book where Keith would love corrupted Pico, but I decided against it.

I need to break free
Eh, I'm still going down that path. It's starting to morph into something else though.

Corrupted, but happy
Finally using 1k words per chapter, which I honestly think should be the norm for stories, but who am I to judge?

Our adventure
Yeah sure, why not just accept someone into the group and basically let them be the leader? Of course that's how it works, right? Also Carol seems so robotic in this section. It's like blah blah blah. Sky was also supposed to be a great hyped up reveal but why not just throw that out the window??

Trapped in my mind
Seeing things from Sky's POV is pretty cool I guess. Beyond being new to the group, she doesn't have much personality in this section tbh. Also, her reveal was meant to be a big event but that's just gone.

I remember you
HOLY HELL I REMEMBER THIS CHAPTER. It wasn't at 1k words at the end so I decided to introduce the find a new shelter thing prematurely. Also this was the start of Senpai AND AGAIN NO HYPE HOLY FRICK I CANT WRITE FOR SHI-

The new building
Pretty nice to acknowledge the shelter Keith was in, but wouldn't he already know everything in there? Also this was in canon a treehouse, how the hell did all of that fit? Anyways, Pico reveal.

King A-hole needs help
There's Pico. Freaking finally. Also I wanted to name it 'King Asshole needs help!' Or 'King douche needs help!' But decided against it.

Join Us
Sarvente was going to be a huge turning point in the story, however..
It was cancelled.

Okay now we're done, this is way shorter than Reunions and that worries me because they have similar lengths in story-

Anyways, this book is unique, and I loved the concept, but GOOD LORD IT GOT SO BORING!! I actually wasn't able to write for it after a while and got burnt out from this book alone.

However, no matter how I may dislike it, it is my second book. It will always be my second book, so it's cool in my book.

"Since Reunion got remade, will this???"


I'll Find You (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now