Chapter 8 - King A-hole needs help

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Finally not behind on these chapters, hell yeah!

Carol POV

"You found what?" Keith asked, oblivious to what we just found.

"A few things, this map that leads to some weird place, a blanket that we think you'll like," (it had one of Keith's favorite show's designs on it) "and...this old video game console."

Keith recognized it. It was Senpai's game. Whitty told me the stories Hex told him, so I knew about all of Keith's adventure.

"Though, we can't exactly get it to work." It looked like Keith almost sighed in relief. I didn't want to break the news to him what we were doing next, though. "'s go find some stuff to fix it."

And then Keith's face turned into one of shock. "Why the hell would we save that idiot? More likely, he'd just try to take our souls and wouldn't help us in the slightest!" Keith objected against what I just said. His face was full of anger.

"Well, let's journey outside anyway. We need to know what's outside!" I tried to argue back at Keith. He wasn't having any of it. He didn't want us to try to fix the game, but I think it would be a great thing for us! It's getting boring in here, after all.

"Besides, Senpai was probably just angry being in there so long," I objected at Keith. Poor Senpai anyways! Imagine being trapped in somewhere you hate for years!

"That's...not how it happened," Keith said slowly, as if I wasn't getting the full story "Spirit was the one trapped in the game. Senpai is just some weird video game character with anger issues."

I was actually kind of shocked at this. Guess Hex didn't have all the details.

"So, um, then let's go anyways!" And this time Keith actually agreed weirdly enough. We walked out and saw a few creatures. Nothing too bad

We were able to easily sneak around them. Not too bad. At the most on this next journey the most we were hoping for was maybe some food.

We were walking around and it was going pretty smoothly. Then, we saw a huge hoard so we ran to the nearest place. It was some desert or something?

It had a lot of guns though, so it seemed pretty promising.

Whitty POV

Whoa, guns, that's cool and stuff.

That little blue twerp dragged us here, but some of the stuff is pretty's sweet! They have guns, ammo, a little bit of food, it's almost as if they were prepared for the corruption.

Clearly they weren't though. I didn't see anyone there.

While exploring some stuff, we heard Sky yell "Run!!" After a quick look, it was revealed that some corruption people were chasing us!

All of us tried to run. Carol clung onto my head, Keith was on my shoulder, and Sky was wherever she was. Probably also running.

We got some guns and food, of course, but it wasn't a ton. After sitting down all around the couch, we decided we might have to journey more the next day, for the supplies.

After all that, we just wanted to sleep. Keith especially. I don't know why, but it was pretty weird of him.

"Alright! Lights out everybody!" He boomed out, which is usually something I would say.

"Okay drill sergeant, I'm going. Geez.." Sky groaned out, earning a glare from Keith. Everyone went to bed wondering where our team synergy went.

How fun.

[Dream in 3rd-person]

Keith was asleep in his own bed, he was considering all the things he had done wrong. Why was he so rude today? He's never usually that weird to everyone, so why today?

Then, Pico appeared and Keith suddenly remembered why. Pico only got to visit him today.

For a few seconds, it was pure, dull, silence. Both parties just stared at each other for a bit. Pico's face was warm, and Keith's face was nothing short of pale as a ghost.

Then, that silence was interrupted with Keith kissing Pico violently, basically swallowing Pico whole.

Pico could barely be felt, but that didn't matter to Keith in that fleeting moment. I mean, Pico was right here! Right now! Who cares?

Pico suddenly pulled away, a string of saliva connecting them together. "Whoa, Keith, damn I love you too. But we have more important matters." He tried to explain. Which made sense to Keith in that moment.

"Alright. Fine, what did you want to talk about?" Keith asked. "The corruption. What else?" Pico rolled his eyes while talking.

Keith didn't want to remember at this time. He was with Pico, all negative thoughts went away, what else could he want?

"So, I know you can sing. What about everyone else?" Pico asked, Keith already knew the answer. "Hmm, pretty much. We all can sing pretty fast tunes. Oh! The other day-"

"I want to hear it so bad, Blu, I really do. But I can't right now. I don't have time..." Pico sighed, almost crying. Keith only found it a bit sad, since Pico apparently knew everything to do. Keith would be fine!

Although, that was a new nickname Pico used. Keith didn't know where it was from, but it was kind of nice when they were being serious. This mood was really rare for Pico.

"You must find some others to fight the corruption. They need to be able to sing. Powers are preferred." Pico explained as if he had to say it not to be killed.

"Wait what? Where? Where do I find other- hey Pico! Don't leave!!" Keith yelled, but it was too late, Pico was already fading into the black of the dream.

"Hey, remember that asshole?" Pico yelled while fading, as it was now basically a whisper. "Yeah, he did sing fast. You might have to recruit him!" Pico's voice faded. "I'll see you soon Keith.."

Keith cried, "don't go.." he whispered. Before he knew it, he was laying back in his bed

[back to Whitty POV]

I walked in and saw the blue twerp still sleeping. Or sleeping as I thought. I turned over his blanket and there were only pillows with his cap on one pillow.

Where could he be? This is when I checked the kitchen.

Okay fine, maybe I gave up on finding him. But I was going to find him soon...maybe?

There he was, tinkering with that game thing. For someone who 'didn't want us to fix it' he's sure trying to fix it.


"Hey, I'm gonna need some other stuff to fix this."

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