Chapter 6 - I remember you

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We have sky! But if you want things to go slower now, don't worry, the next member should be harder to introduce.
I didn't know where to take this book, but now I wrote this whole book's plot in a few minutes at night.

Keith POV
So...this new member.

Carol predicted it at least, we would uncorrupt her. I lost my voice for a few days though, and I had a headache, and felt light headed. There's gotta be a better way, but Sky lost all her knowledge when she got uncorrupted.

For now, a squad of four isn't so bad. She'll help us gather food at least, mostly since we started a garden in our shelter! It doesn't have much, but it has enough to have us live for a while after it grows.

We've also been taking singing and fighting training. Fighting isn't to fight them, but mostly to try to run. And singing because it worked in the past.

Dinner has been awkward, mostly because we have no idea what to do from now on. Sure, we uncorrupted one person. Hooray. But after that? No plans at all.

Another problem is we're running out of food! We started a garden, but it's still going to take a while to grow and our food sources from stores and stuff are either empty or rotten. Sky said she can try to manifest things, but I think we're out of luck for things like food.

We don't have any reliable information on how to uncorrupt people from people who have been corrupted. That's what we really need.

Either we can keep staying here moping around or we can actually try to do something about this! More members? Sure!

But it seems the corruption has gotten smarter since we captured Sky. They started traveling in groups, instead of being alone or in pairs. We'll never get Pico back like this and-


Oh! The alarms! That's right, we set lights out way too early for most humans because we'd need to be able to escape. Can't run if you're tired. I guess it's time to go to sleep then.

Our sleeping situation isn't much better. We have a few sleeping bags set up for the time being. Maybe in the future we might find beds, but for now, this is all we have.

I lie down and think of a certain someone. A certain male I miss very much.

Recently, my dreams have been happy memories with him. However, today I'm just sat down in a dark room with him sitting on the other side of the darkness?

I know it's not him, I know it's not real.

But I don't care, right now I'm happy to be with him. He even acts like he would if he was here. It was like the man I had fallen in love with.

"Hey, been a while, huh blueberry?"

Ugh, I always hated that name, but unfortunately for me, Pico loved it. "It's still Keith dumbass, it remained like that even after the corruption." I threw back at him.


I sat in horror, how did he not know, he was corrupted at this very moment!

"Heh, Keith, c'mon, I wouldn't let myself get corrupted. I would wreck their ass!" Pico boasted, which made me confused. Yeah, he did try to wreck them, and then died. How was he here?

It's terrible to say but...this worked for me. I continued talking with him and he continued responding right back as if he was right there. We mostly talked about nothing in particular, mostly about memories and things like that.

I wanted to stay like this forever. Pico was so comforting in these times and I missed him so much. I just wanted to be in his embrace, I just wanted to be comforted by him again. I knew it wasn't real, but I wanted it to be real!

"So, who are you friends with these days?" Pico asked very suddenly.

"Hm, tough call. I don't know if you can call me and Whitty Carol and Sky friends. We were basically forced together." I responded, thinking of our adventures.

"Geez, Whitty? Didn't that guy hate you? And Sky? I thought she wanted to date you or something. She better not take you from me!" Pico butted in, trying to comfort me however he could. While we were talking, I had my head in his lap while he sat crisscross and stroked my hair.

He smelled like himself.

Not anything in particular, if you knew Pico, you knew he kinda had his own smell. Somehow, my dream replicated it perfectly.

"Um, yeah, Whitty hated me before. But now we've become...sorta friends? And Sky actually has no interest in dating me anymore." I said back to Pico, realizing how I might've looked creepy smelling for no reason.

He didn't care.

He wouldn't have if he was here.

Or alive.

I was in the middle of telling Pico about Carol when I was shaken all of a sudden. Pico seemed to understand I needed to leave.

"Well, see ya, have fun in your corruption thing. It's probably not real, and you're probably going to wake up in bed next to me, but whatever you might think." Pico tried to tell me as the dream started fading.

Unfortunately, life is not a fairy tale.

And I no longer have my Prince Charming.

I woke up by Whitty shaking me for no reason. "What the fu-" I yelled. "Get up. We need to go. They found us." Whitty responded, quickly explaining as we woke everyone else up. We made too much noise, so we'll leave here for a few days, find temporary shelter, and then come back.

This was all explained as I was barely waking up, but still said in a way that seemed super frightening to me. Sky was falling behind, and told us to not wait for her.

I thought she's stupid, and why would she do that? But then she went back in her manifest form suddenly. Except, she seemed much more in control.

After a bit of walking and journeying, we found a place.

It was perfect.

I'll Find You (DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu