Chapter 1 - Sadness

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Keith POV
Well...this has been fucking terrifying.

Remember that lemon demon? Well, he appeared to me again, with a new song on week 364. His song was actually pretty damn hard, and I lost. All of a sudden he lunged at me and Cherry. (Yes ms legs and booba still has a name) It was a horrible experience, and he corrupted us.

The next thing I did was I went to the tracks of week three. Pico was waiting for me there. "Oh hey Keith!" He said, smiling as I lunged at him. "Wait what the hell? The rumors were true?!" He uncorrupted me with his song, but did not go unscathed, I scratched his leg. And what I thought might not be as serious ended up costing him his life.

Ever since then, I've been hiding in our old treehouse we made as kids. For kids, it's actually pretty high and has a lot of defenses. Just pico being weird, I guess. But today, I'm leaving, I have to find this idiot, MY idiot! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I married that guy. It was a whole reunion to see him after a while, and eventually we fell in love and, oh, that's not important right now!

I need to save him, so I'm leaving the safety of my shelter. And I can even see some of them in the distance. The corruption is fuckin terrifying, and if it hadn't been for that idiot I married, I wouldn't go poking around it. But I love him too much to let him rot, so let's take on this corruption. It's not going to separate our love, nothing is.

I walked out after dying myself with paint. It was easily smellable, but it worked with the beasts near our house, so it works for now. I went to the train tracks, with the black and pink paint. But today was not my lucky day, as it immediately started raining. I still fooled the stupid ones, but most were now unconvinced, losing me time trying to sneak around them.

I went around the corner and there he was! Pico! I hopped on the scene, shit he still has his gun. That's gonna make this painful. I go up to him and yell, trying to break him free. "Pico, it's me! Your husband Keith, please don't leave me!" I was crying, and I swore I could even see Pico through corruption almost smiling for a split second.

That only lasted a moment, however as Pico then launched himself at me. "HAODURJEK." I was terrified, this wasn't the Pico I had married. But slowly in that moment I had to accept, that old Pico was dead, all that remained now was this corruption.

But I couldn't accept that, this was not how Pico and me will end. My feelings overpowered me, and I ended up going up to him, and leaning him in for a kiss. Pico was scratching my back, I could feel blood, but I didn't care. That would probably give me corruption tomorrow, but at least Pico and me would be together.

For a second, even the corruption seemed at a loss. Pico somewhat leaned into the kiss, but instead, I got thrown to the side. "KWISIXHDEKEO." I didn't know what happened, we had almost made a breakthrough! And if that wasn't bad enough, all of a sudden, I felt it, the corruption, shit. I couldn't feel my arm, then my leg,

This wasn't going to be the end, but I could feel myself getting taken over again. I'll miss you Pico, we'll meet soon.

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