Chapter 3 - Corrupted, but happy

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Keith POV
I'm corrupted again.

They had to use some dark magic since I was a "special case" but I'm corrupted nonetheless. I suppose I should be sad, angry, upset, frustrated. But really, all I am is happy. Mostly because of one reason - when me and Pico got corrupted, our minds must have fused together or something? Because I was with him in his mind, which means we both keep each other sane.

It's not all sunshine though, we only get limited time when the corruption feels generous. No contact either, so we only get words. With them monitoring us, of course. It's a lot to keep in mind, but it's worth it to see him. We've actually been learning a few new habits while I'm here.

I'm not going to be here forever though, we already have a plan to escape. One of those hobbies were Morse code, and it's a great help. We pretend to be singing music while doing Morse, but we're secretly making a plan. It's going to break me free for corruption to find other survivors, I'm going to save the world.

The plan is to have pico pick a fight with our consciences after disabling their cameras. Then, I'll try to leave and carry the rest of the plan out. Foolproof? No. All figured out? No. But I'm sure it's going to work, it has to.

Okay Pico tapped on his thigh carry out the plan now. If you waste this opportunity this world is screwed. Wow, such positivity, no rush at all or anything. But anyways, Pico pulls off the plan flawlessly. They fall for the bait, and I end up being able to go ahead and escape through a peak of my body.

This wasn't the most effective method, but it worked I guess. Now, I had to run away from the corrupted beings eyeing me down wondering why I'm not corrupted. I go into a restaurant first, if anything just to get some food. I end up finding this pantry that seems full.

I knock on it and a voice calls out. "Please don't hurt me! I don't want to die! Whitty help!" I assure them I'm not a corrupted being, and next thing I know I'm also shoved into this pantry.

"What the hell? I thought all humans were wiped out other than me? Not including semi-humans, of course." This was shocking to me too, but what I was really shocked about was that this pantry had an underground passage big as a regular home! I checked, and they even had hot water!

"Don't waste that!" Some bomb guy yelled at me. I was confused, but I quickly figured out his name was Whitty. "You still haven't proven anything, who are you, and why should we trust you?" I had to respond quickly, for god's sake, this was a real bomb! "My name is Keith, and I have no intention to hurt either of you. I need to go find my husband Pico, the love of my life, the only thing keeping me, well, from killing myself during these times."

They both had surprisingly sympathetic looks in their eyes. They had probably known what it was like to lose a loved one, other than each other, of course. They refused outright when I told them my plan though. "What? No! Look I sympathize with your situation, but we're the only humans left. We want to stay alive thank you very much." The taller of the two said.

The shorter one then spoke up. "Whitty, let's talk about this, we could use more members." She left and so did he. That probably means my request was denied. Figures.

I supposed I understood it. I wouldn't want to leave if I had a perfect shelter with Pico, either. But right now I didn't have a shelter, or...Pico. I missed him so much, I should've never left, at least back then I could talk to him! And it's not like anybody else here wants to help me. Our plan is falling through already, i might as well just go back to that body.

No! No, you know what? That's not what pico would want me to say! I'm not going to let this happen, especially with me being immune, I should be able to last longer! If they don't want to come with me, then good for them, I can't let them drag me down! I'm going to go right now!

Then, I heard a voice. "Dinners ready!" Well, I supposed I could go do this mission after some food. I hadn't even realized how hungry I was! And it's even better because this carol girl and that whitty guy asked me to sit down and enjoy dinner with them. Some chicken wasn't terrible to talk over either. Carol spoke up first.

                 "We're coming with you."

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