Chapter 5 - Trapped in my mind

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Sky POV (whoa, lotsa POV's.)
They ran, they ran everywhere.

And it wasn't a mystery why either, I was corrupted, and for some reason, they thought some flimsy glass would hold me back. If I could, I would let my ex crush Keith go, but I didn't have a choice. And Keith had no way to escape.

Thank god, I found out he was immune.

But the whole incident scarred him, and this time after Keith capturing me, they built the glass even thicker, with extra bars too. They took their extra time studying me, and actually found out some good info.

They said they were working on a prototype for a "cure."
I wanted to believe their words so bad, but what could they even do? Rap? It's not like it's worked in the past. Pico is living proof of that.

For now, they're leaving again, presumably on another scavenge for food. I was just left here, alone again.

I guess I'll just try to nap. When I got corrupted, the need for food and drink sort of just...vanished. Along with the will to live, really. It's so lonely in here, but no matter what corruption keeps you alive.

If they would find the's as simple as just *¥]£{*}*}{€]* and then I'm freed. Rapping could work, but it would be very hard.

At least they seem to be bonding.

Maybe they were friends before? But it barely looked like they would even associate if they weren't some of the last people left. Completely different people, but bonded together by common interest, even with different goals.

Keith wants to see his precious Pico, who he broke up with his girlfriend for. Whitty wants to see this damn thing come to an end. Despite their interests and goals being different, they still do research and joke around together.

It's been a few hours, for that past time they have been talking silently. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but all my suspicions were confirmed when I saw them carrying a boombox and some microphones.

It was a long, hard, battle.

My corrupted self searched my memories and used my song Manifest. Mostly because Keith struggled with it last time we sang it. Except now we have a new member, Whitty. The first round wasn't all that successful, but they didn't corrupt because of the glass, so they decided. What the heck? Let's continue.

The second song was their ballistic. My corrupted self didn't know how to react, since it was a fairly hard song. In fact, after the first turn, I could see through my eye. The corruption quickly reversed any hope that it would happen again, but it gave them motivation. They started to sing this song called Expurgation.

It included fire notes, which usually would've killed Keith, but instead each note was a chance to try to be uncorrupted. That quickly fell through though, my corrupted self was really good at this song.

But then, with one fatal error, and one note press...

I awoke.

For a moment, you could feel the tense energy in the room. I know I was technically uncorrupted now, but I still wasn't in a condition to talk, or eat, or walk.

It wasn't like they thought it would work either, the bomb guy practically exploded from shock. Keith looked like he was about to melt like an ice cube. And when Carol walked in, she dropped the food.

They gave me a bit to recover, and for both Keith and Whitty to recover as well. Their voices were lost after all that, which just shows this wasn't exactly the best method. They recovered during dinner, but if this was with real corruption, they would've died for sure.

I sat down, still barely able to walk, hardly being able to chew, but somewhat better than both being able to talk. They immediately spoke up.

"So, um..." Carol started up. "What's your name?"

I looked down and went, "Sky" to try not to alarm these people.

"Oh! What a pretty name! So then, Sky, what do you know about this corruption? Tell me over some mashed potatoes." She asked as she scooped them on as if her life depended on it.

I hadn't realized how hungry I was, but mostly, when I left that body, all my knowledge disappeared. It was sad not being useful to stop it, but I swore it would help.

But now, surprisingly, I'm happier than ever! Being in that body was terrible, and you are so alone. But now, we all were sitting together, eating as a family! It was fairly surprising that they didn't have any suspicions about me, but I'm not complaining!

Now for Keith though, it was a little more awkward. We had met before on his adventures, but it wasn't exactly a happy meeting, so I had to make it up. I swore to him I had no interest, especially since it had been at least a few years since that. I was immature.

He seemed to forgive me, and we went on like normal. We even joked with each other, and treated one another like brother and sister. It was funny because we even looked sorta like each other, both with cyan hair. Keith's was natural though, mine was dyed.

He inspired me so much. But I'm serious when I say this. I have no emotional feelings for him anymore.

I think I mostly liked him because of my backstory, I was a lonely girl. I got multiple mail, texts, and people, telling me to kill myself. And for a while, I leaned into the idea.

(suicide is never the answer)

On the day where I was ready to do it, I heard a song on the radio. Keith was that person, and listening to his lyrics, he didn't give a fuck what anyone said. I wanted to be like him. It was finally a reason to keep going.

But when he rejected me, I felt that anger bubble up. And that anger turned me into something I never wanted to be again.

But now I'm back here! I will help these people with the corruption. It's the least I can do for them, after saving me.

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