Chapter 10 - Why does it matter?

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I cancelled this book, first have some written stuff that I did before I cancelled it, then see the reasons why.

Can you feel that this book is ending soon? I didn't plan for it to be so short, but writers block hits hard. Also, Sarvente joins the crew officially!

Sarvente POV
Keith stared back at me in shock for some reason. I didn't know why, I had asked a pretty valid question.

"Well, you see-" Sky started.

"It's a complicated-" Carol cut in.

"Guys it's fine. I don't mind talking about this." Keith said. He had an emotionless look, I couldn't tell why he was feeling so strongly about this.

"I was the one that helped this group get together. My main focus is helping the person that uncorrupted me: my husband Pico." He explained.

I was confused at this. We were doing this whole thing to save one person? "Oh! And then of course we'd save the rest of humanity." Keith then stated.

Okay, enough of that.

Writer here

Why did I cancel this? 1 I wasn't enjoying it anymore. 2 nobody else was enjoying it. 3 writing this actually burnt me out on Pico x Keith.

This is the point in Reunion that I said about all chapters. That'll be done for this book as well, but won't be as meaningful.

I'm really sorry for cancelling it, but writing this actually made me stressed. Plot for the rest below I guess.

Sarvente joins the squad and annoys everyone about finding Ruv and then almost gets kicked out. (Insert emotional moment with Carol about losing Sunday, who was one of her best friends and ex's). Sarvente stops annoying people and they travel out to find Keith's Pico, mostly because Keith is the one keeping the group together. This of course falls apart when they can't find him, and Keith gets sad because he thinks Pico is dead. (Insert maybe another emotional moment). They then search the place for members and find some game that still somehow works. They jump in and enter Senpai's game. After a whole beating him and beating spirit, and telling him how things are, he agrees to help them and join. He asks where everyone is and how "this isn't how he expected the real world to be." He annoys everyone. They then plan a final stand against the corruption, testing their powers on someone: Cherry. She is uncorrupted and is the planner of the group. They set up a whole thing outside in plain view of the corruption and fight for days, seeing Pico makes Keith fight harder, ultimately winning and restoring humanity. Mostly. The corruption at its final days decided to take the life of one victim specifically. (Insert emotional moment). End off with Keith crying at Pico's gravestone. And putting a flower, "i miss you."

Yes I did actually have a plot for this. No it was not enjoyable.

The story itself was unique, which is what kept me going. But now, I just want to do my other projects I put on hold for this.

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