Chapter 7 - The new building

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Readers, please read my community posts to know why I was gone.

3rd person POV
The group walked in, barely knowing what to expect. They were met with a dark, shady looking building. Probably abandoned since it was in the forest. This might work in their favor. Looked like a promising land.

Not much time passed and they finally entered the building. Huh, Keith thought, it's weirdly homey in here. For some reason there was a little food and some pillows. Not the best, not the worst either.

If there were any corrupted beings, they weren't showing themselves. It looked perfect. Though, now there were things like a stove, garden, water purifier, etcetera. You get it, things that would need more than four people to run.

Maybe, Carol thought, if we can get more members, this will be the dream base. It looked big enough, had a garden, watchtower, and defenses.

Suddenly, Keith realized it.

They were in his and Pico's base.

No wonder it felt so homey.

They walked in and immediately scouted the area. Sky sensed everywhere and said she didn't sense any beings in here, but it didn't hurt to be safe.

Meanwhile Carol went to the garden. It wasn't huge, but it had a lot of empty dirt. Most things currently in it were rotten or eaten by ants, so it obviously needed an overhaul.

Whitty found some ammo and guns. And if those weren't anyone's style, (aka because Keith was a coward) there were bats, swords, and other melee weapons as well.

Sky didn't expect to see much, but she found a lot of beds and a surplus of canned food. Keith went over to smell it and his heart broke. It smelled a little like Pico.

Why, Keith thought, just why?

As for Keith, his concern wasn't toward finding bedding or anything, but finding anything's of Pico's. He found some cologne of Pico's. Keith was satisfied. Of course, he then looked for beds, and then helped Sky.

This was all too much for Keith to handle.

Why couldn't this just be a normal love story? Why couldn't he just be back with Pico?

Oh god- what was he going to do now? Pico was usually the planner and Keith couldn't take over. Everything up to now was just Keith bullshitting and-

"Keith!" Whitty yelled, seeing as Keith was about to faint.

"Wh- oh- no no no I'm fine! Just spacing out I guess." Keith lied blatantly at Whitty, trying not to cause any trouble.

Carol and Sky walked in, saying they heard Whitty...whispering? Which to Carol, was more surprising then him yelling. This of course made them discover that the walls were all soundproof.

Damn, did this 'Pico' guy just plan for everything? Whitty pondered.

Keith was in a funk for the rest of the day. He found another thing of Pico's.

One lone sweater.

It smelled like Pico, even more with Keith wearing it while putting on Pico's cologne. Why did he survive? Keith thought, it couldn't have been Pico? He was better at things like this. No, Pico wouldn't want Keith thinking like this.

He would just try sleeping it off after whatever disgusting dinner they ate that night. It almost made Carol vomit, Sky questioned coming along. Whitty had almost no trouble eating it, and Keith barely ate.

Keith laid down and dreamt again. This time, it was a happy memory dream in the past.

The couple had both laid down, some fancy sushi restaurant. Their jobs weren't super glamorous, but it earned them a nice dinner so they weren't the worst jobs.

They sat at the table together and talked about whatever. It was very nice, but then they went on the topic of the current events.

Oh no.

Not again.

Suddenly everyone's eyes went blank.

Well, that wasn't normal.

"Keith, it's me, the real me."

Not normal either.

Keith practically spat out his dream food in shock. No, it couldn't be him, he was corrupted! "I know, I know, I'm corrupted and all, but I just want to warn you, in a few days I'm allowed to visit for 6 minutes. Don't stay awake." And with that, he went back to talking about their marriage, and stupid things both of them did.

Everyone went back to eating as if nothing happened. Which was weird, what did happen? Pico's dream self went back to not knowing what the corruption was. That was the real Pico for sure. Or at least, one hell of a clone. Only one way to find out.

Keith promised himself he would be there. No faltering. But in the meantime...

Some good times with Pico couldn't hurt.

It was a few days away from their objective so it wouldn't hurt any mission they had. They sat and just like a few times before talked about dumb stuff. Keith almost thought he was back with Pico for a moment.


Again, Keith was woken up.

"Hey Keith, it's time for training. Get up." Sky said, sounding bored out of her mind. She tried to wake Keith up, not sugarcoating it or anything. They were almost like siblings at this point, so they messed with each other a lot.

"Ughhh five more minutesss." Keith complained. He wanted to be back with Pico right now, not swimming in a damn river.

"You can either stay in this building alone and die, or come with us now. Choice is yours!" Sky hummed, which finally got Keith to move.

"Hey Keith, finally decided to wake up?" Carol asked, genuinely concerned for Keith. Why was he sleeping so long? Keith always woke up at 5AM sharp, but right now it was 11.

Keith was confused, why was everyone talking about me? I didn't sleep that late, did I? He looked at a clock nearby, it was really old timey, so it still worked.

Whoa, okay, Keith thought, I actually have been sleeping a little long. He didn't have anything to look forward to after sleeping, so maybe his body just wanted to stay asleep.

Fine, Keith thought. I guess I did sleep late.

"So, uh, we found some stuff in here."

I'll Find You (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें