Chapter 4 - Our adventure

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From now on, every time someone is added to the squad, I'll include a banner. This squad might replace the current cover of the book when they're all revealed.

Carol pov
I didn't mean to say that.

Or well, I did I guess. I was completely aware of what I was doing, I wanted to go. But something in my heart tells me this isn't a good idea! This Keith kid is kind I guess, but I think it was mostly his backstory that drew me on the quest. I'm really scared of this journey, I'm not ready to face this corruption!

But here with Whitty, me and the rest of the team are trying to find a plan. Hey! That's another thing, what are we doing now? When I asked Keith, all I could hear through his nervousness was. "Maybe we'll find more members later, for now we need more supplies for our shelter." Look, Keith is nice and all, but when did it become our shelter?

I need more supplies though. I mean, even though we looked fine, we sure didn't have much food left. Never mind healthy, all we had left was a chicken and pineapple, along with rotting milk and dusty water. It was pathetic, so we just decided to tag along. Don't get me wrong, we'd still try to help him, but it wasn't only for him.

I told him we should try a restaurant for more food. He had a surprised and confused look. "You guys are fine, you had so much food." I had to sadly break the illusion, and reveal we were actually much more poor than we seemed. He was shocked, but immediately agreed it would probably help. We walked in the restaurant and tread carefully

In our defense, we had no clue how to defeat these things. Whitty exploding would probably be a last resort, as it would kill all of us. And there weren't many other options short of rapping. Thankfully Whitty and Keith were super skilled in rapping, and promised to protect me. It wasn't like I was horrible, but I wasn't amazing like them!

We walked in, and immediately felt like we were being watched. There was some goo in the corners, but as long as we didn't step in it, we were good. We walked in the kitchen, and immediately saw some food on the counter. The two others were all too ecstatic, however I was a little more skeptical about this, who would just leave food?

Of course, this excitement for food was immediately followed by running. Whitty carried me and Keith, with us running fast away from some scarecrow looking guy. I don't even know how Whitty outran him, he was basically gliding! But he did, even with the bags in his hand! We got home and opened the bags, ready to feast!

"Really? Plastic toys? You'll pay for this corruption!" Keith said, making sure to be as fake dramatic as possible. Truth was, I was kind of upset too, and Whitty was treating this like it was the end of the world! Oh well, on our next journey we got some supplies, so it wasn't a total waste. It was only canned stuff, and a bit of stuff that wasn't expired from the store.

We sat down and had dinner in silence. Lasagna without the cheese because it was all expired. It wasn't the same, but it worked we supposed. Plus it was without being corrupted, so the food automatically tasted better.

But where were we to go from here? I mean, We could try to find out more about the corruption, singing right now against it would be suicide! We could just let Whitty at em, but I feel like that wouldn't work so well. I'm not the most fond of being blown up, either.

This is also the moment Keith spoke up.

"Uhh so, I know that we're all safe here and stuff. But i kinda want this to be over soon, we can't avoid it forever." He said, kinda sounding like the corruption itself at that last part. He made a good point though.

"So let's go now. Let's go try to trap one."

Okay, he lost me. Why would we do that? We'll all get killed! Hey wait a minute! He hasn't even been here for more than a day, why should he make the decisions?

"Dude, that'd be suicide! Why in the hell would we do that?" Whitty questioned immediately.

"Honestly Whitty, do you enjoy being trapped here? Because I don't! I mean, your shelters nice but I don't want to be trapped forever!"

I didn't want to be trapped either, but I also certainly didn't want to be out in the open like an all you can eat buffet.

"And what exactly will we accomplish trapping one of these people?"

"Well, Carol, we could use the research we get to have a bit of a advantage against these beings. And this way, we could prevent a loved one from dying out there, us or not."

Damn, he had some good points, even Whitty seemed semi-convinced. The next thing I know though, we were running for our lives. Apparently trapping corrupted people isn't easy.

Although, we caught one. And we might've gotten carried away and almost let them escape.

The one we caught could actually be important, she looked to be a smaller girl. She actually looked sorta like Keith himself, but like she had a smaller budget to be made.

We asked her what her name was. "YOU WILL FALL TO THE CORRUPTION." Typical. I don't know what we expected.

So far, Keith and Whitty have been in there studying this thing for hours. So much so I made dinner tonight. The smell alone practically dragged them out there. They looked defeated and exhausted, apparently due to studying. Pretty cool for them to risk themselves for research, but the walls are far to thick for them to escape, hopefully, so if all goes right, there should be no risk.

I asked them what they found and it was a surprisingly lot. If all goes right, we may be able to save them soon. I hope so, some new members would really be nic-


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