Chapter 2 - I need to break free

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Pico pov
I was still trapped in my mind.

It had been like this for a few days, I would have to watch someone die, try to prevent it, then fall asleep crying. Today however, someone else showed up, and I wish he didn't. It was Keith, and no matter how hard I tried, he didn't free me from corruption, and I didn't stop the corruption from killing him.

Okay, well that was a bit harsh. To be fair, Keith did manage to escape, but I know for a fact he got corrupted just now. He kissed me, and I wanted to kiss back, to comfort him, to tell him I'd be okay. But instead, I threw him to the side and almost killed him.

He had a look of fear on his face. I made him feel like that, I wouldn't have ever done anything that would make him feel like that if I was still, well, myself. I wouldn't get to almost breaking his back in the first place! Well, not outside the bedroom. Keith would normally laugh at that if he was here, I miss him...

No matter to think about that now though, I'm still fighting this corruption in my body. I've actually been getting somewhat close to winning in the past. Not like it matters. It still helps me believe there's hope, especially when Keith himself is getting corrupted outside.

Oh? What's this? Why isn't Keith corrupting? It seems like he might be immune, but it's impossible for someone to be immune right? But just as soon as I have this thought, the corruption slowly reverses itself. Interesting! I'm shooting bullets at him, but he just recovers instantly.

I hoped he would be, I didn't want to watch him die in front of me. It's sort of cool, another reason for me to keep fighting I suppose. That lemon fucker will probably find some way to ruin it, though, so I don't know how high I should have my hopes.

I have some control right now, so that's cool I guess. My voice is used, I can sometimes control actions if it won't stop corruption progress. That kiss was me, with the huge approval of the corruption for corrupting the only non-corrupted soul within 60 miles.

This all started one day where I expected Keith. He came with his "friend" who I was going to ask him about. Why was he still doing raps for her? This was jealous of me, yes. But I wanted him only to myself, he's the only thing that's helped me move on from my PTSD.

When he showed up, he was full of this corruption goo. I wanted to shoot him, to ask who he was, but I knew all too well. It was Keith, well, kinda. This wasn't exactly him, and I knew that, but even bullets weren't helping him!

I got my mic, and made up a song on the spot. It worked, but I was essentially sacrificing myself, but in that moment, it didn't matter what happened to me. As long as he was okay, I was happy. Ever since then, I've been trapped in my own mind. It's sucks, but hopefully it'll be better soon. Maybe if he finds a way to uncorrupt everyone, I'll be able to escape.

In the meantime, I'm essentially a fetus. A fetus that sometimes has control over their mother. I'm just waiting for Keith to come back, he'll think of something, he always does! He'll be back, and...and...we'll get our happy ending back. Right?

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