"Your legs don't seem as bad as your ribs." Sci says looking up at Error who nods, summoning more strings "Wait no!" Sci exclaims "It's hurting you!"

Error shrugs doing something with his hands so quickly that all Sci can see of Error's hands is a black blur, When he's done Error hands Sci the pale green bandage he had made.

If you want to play doctor then go ahead, Error chuckles softly

Sci looks at the makeshift bandage in his hands "It feels like silk," He says surprised

Error points to his leg, bored

"Oh, right!" Sci goes to wrap Error's leg wondering why Error didn't put any creams on before wrapping the wounds.

Error closes his eyes trying desperately not to flinch or glitch as Sci gently touches his leg as he wraps it,

"Is that all you needed?" Sci asks "You just needed your bones to be wrapped with whatever you used to wrap them?"

Error nods, putting his stuff back on "What's wrong with you that you;re hiding the information in your check box?" Sci asks, Error curses under his breath and Sci stares at him "Did I just hear you talk?"

"Nope." Error wanted to say "You're just going mental." But he refrained himself from talking and shook his head no faking a confused expression.

"Let's go back," Sci says

But I want to go back to the Antivoid... Error thinks giving sci a sad smile "I'd l0v3 t0 c0m3, I wish y0u wouldn't g3t in tr0ubl3 but I can't,"

"Huh?" Sci looks at Error in surprise "So you're not mute?!"

"N0, I just wish t0 n0t talk b3caus3 my v0ice isn't v3ry pl3asing t0 th3 3ar," Error says crating his usual glitchy unstable portal back to the Antivoid.

The second Error enters the Antivoid the voices start getting louder, being in their source of power. When Error isn;t in the Antivoid the voices aren't as loud, they're still extremely loud but just slightly quieter.




Sighing, Error goes over to his little hammock, untying the bandages he had made to reveal new scars. Yay. Error laughs to himself as he puts his shirt and jacket back on, putting the strips of healing magic filled cloth into his inventory for future use before lying down on his hammock.

Error doesn't sleep but he does rest from time to time when given a break. So, closing his eyes, Error thinks about the events of the past 24 hours humming to himself quietly.

But, a tug in his soul forces Error to sit up again. Ink knows I escaped so this is definitely another trap. Error comes to the conclusion quickly as he makes sure his HP is at an okay level.

DESTROY! The voices all yell at once.

"I'm g0ing, I'm g0ing. Sh33sh." Error grumbles while making a portal to the new AU. It's blank. Definitely a trap.

"C0m3 0ut alr3ady!" Error glitches, Usually he'd rather stay quiet but he's fed up with Inks little games.

A dozen or so portals open up with about twenty Sanses jumping out of each. Does Ink never learn?

Before a Gaster Blaster could hit Error he creates a clear blue shield but he wasn't expecting an attack from below so he wasn't prepared when ink seeps up to the surface inside Error's little safety bubble, the creator materializing out of it with a grin. "Hello again, Error." Ink says as if he;s talking to a classmate he just saw an hour ago and is now hanging out at one of their houses, "Sci told us you ran away."

Before Error could react red paint is poured on him. The other Sanses stare at them with terrified expressions. Did Ink not tell the others about the red paint? From Dreams confusion and Blues horror, Error guesses not.

The red paint is worse than the purple.  While yes, the purple paint melts all types of materials (RIP Error's favorite jackets) the red is much worse, it melts all types of materials and it also weakens the body, draining the majority of your HP, your magic, and slowly destroys the soul. The only thing it doesn't do that the red paint does is it can't be trained on a certain object.

Ink smiles at Error, teleporting outside of his shield next to where Dream and Blue stand.

Error clamps his jaw shut, not to scream, through blurry vision Error sees Blue yell and Ink and Dream and the others looking confused before Errors bones collapse under him and he falls to the white ground,

White like the Antivoid. That reminds Error of the Voices but they're not screaming, just talking.

What's going on?
The red paint seems to hurt more than it usually does.
Why is he so weak?!
Stand up
That bastard!
Stand Up
Is he dying?
Obviously not. He can't die!

It was a command Error was obligated to follow. Groaning, Error gets up onto his knees looking at everything through blurry eyes. Error gets onto his feet only to fall to his knees again He tries to stand up but his weakened and burning bones keep him down.

I need to delete the AU. Error thinks "BLUE!" Error yells as loud as he could, not a glitch in his voice.

"Yes, Error?" B;ue asks running up to the force field.

"G3t 0ut." Error says weakly "I n33d-d3l3t3-AU." Is all he could manage to say but Blue nods in understanding, having known Error for so long he could read the black bones skeletons nonexistent lips.

Blue runs off to the others quickly explaining the situation. The others nod, teleporting away through portals made by Reaper, Blue, Dream, and Classic, Everyones gone now, all but three, Blue, Classic, and Ink.

Blue begs Ink to leave while Classic keeps a portal open for them.

Error summons the AU code, barely able to see it properly. When he looks up he sees Classic closing the portal behind Ink but he stays in the AU,

With no strength left, the forcefield shatters around Error and he is met with Classic. "Class-sic." Error says quietly "L3av3."

"I can't." Classic says "Not until you do."

"1f y0u d13 th3 wh0l3 mult1v3r53 w1ll d13!" Error is glitching a lot but Classic understands what he is saying.

"I know," Classic nods "I know more than the others do. But I also know that you will keep me safe."

He's got that right. Error shoves his strings into the code, screaming in pure agony as the AU slowly starts to destroy itself inside out.

Using the strings that come out from his eyes Error wraps Classic up in them securely That should keep him safe, The pain subsides to Errors favorite numbness.

The AU is completely destroyed within two minutes and the two skeletons fall into the Void.

"What's going on?!" Classic asks but Error can't speak. He can't move, he can only think and his only thought was Nightmare... before he passed out.


Error's body goes limp and Classic watches in horror as Inks red paint slowly burns away the poor skeletons' bones.

Earlier, before Ink had surfaced, Error had thrown his jacket into wherever he came from, maybe he doesn't want to get it ruined? It did look relatively new. Did Error know what was going to happen? Classic wonders

Suddenly a portal opens up and weird rope-like things pull Error inside, dragging Classic along as well and into a nicely lit kitchen.

"Oof," Classic says as he lands on the tiled floor.

"Classic?!" Classic looks up to see all of the Bad Sanses looking down at him in surprise. But then their eyes avert to Error and their expressions turn grim.

"Explanation later." Nightmare says "For now, Horror-"

"Yes boss," Horror says, already holding a pair of chicken scissors, carefully cutting the strings attaching Error to Classic before gently lifting him up. "The dude was due for a bath anyways." Horror says plainly, not a smirk in sight before walking off.

The Silent DestroyerWhere stories live. Discover now