track suit mafia

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i widen my eyes to make him stop. he turns back to face kate, "yeah, same thing."

"so," i clear my throat making her look at me, "wanna get that vest off, so we can get goin?"

she licks her lips reaching for her bag, "yeah i'll do that." she walks away a whispers, "totally cool. just stay cool. the hawkeye and deadshot is in my place."

clint looks at me with a knowing smirk, "you think she's cute don't you?" he whispers lightly so kate won't hear.

"hm." i hum to try and shut him up. "you're not saying no." i glare at him, "i'm also not responding."
i whisper harshly

"where'd you get the suit?" i ask kate whos up the stairs changing.

"black market auction." she calls out.

"and you bought it?" i ask looking at clint with a weird face in which he just shrugs. "no. not exactly."

"so what did you do in this suit?" he asks while i walk around to see trophies. "i beat some guys up. saved the dog. some light B and E."

" a 22 year old vigilante. shouldnt you be in school?" i ask looking around still.

"funny you should ask. shouldnt you be too, aren't you my age?" i turn around to see her in a sweater. she looks good as hell. i shake my head rapidly before responding, "i'm 24 and no i dropped out after the blip."

she nods, and walks in front of us, "so now that i answered your questions i have so many for you. uh, starting with.." she hands me the suit, "can you sign this." she lifts up her bow and arrow.

"im not done yet." clint says making me set down the suit on top of the chair.

"but when you are can you sign my bow? you're kind of my favorite avenger." i gasp putting my hand over my heart. "why am i not your favorite avenger, i mean i don't miss a single shot."

she smile brightly before shaking her head, "are you okay? by the way?" i ask worriedly changing the subject.

"im good. oh, yeah, no, im fine. you should see the other guys."

"we did. tracksuit mafia." clint says while nodding.

"that's their name?" she pauses for a second, "that's a little on the nose. do you think they're the ones who killed my moms fiancé's uncle?"

"your moms fiancés uncle?" clint and i ask at the same time confused.

"armand the III. of at least seven." i look at clint while shaking my head, he does the same.

"we- we don't know. but what we need to know is if anybody saw your face?"

"no. kept the mask on like a pro." she shakes her head happy that she didn't take it off.

"okay, cause the person that wore that suit made a whole lot of enemies all right? and the tracksuits are just one of them." he says making me look down at my feet.

"you told nobody about this suit?"


"there's no way you're connected to this suit?"

the archers war | kate bishopOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz