track suit mafia

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"i'm kate bishop." she says before gasping.

"you're a kid." clint responds and i huff out annoyed. "how did you get this suit?" i ask lifting up the mask in my hand.

she tries to talk but just breathes out in disbelief. sirens wailing in the back, someone surely called the police cause of the ruckus.

"look. we gotta get you out of here. okay? it's not safe for you to be in this. do you live near here?"

"yeah i live just.." i cut her off by saying, "okay. here, take this. are you okay?" i hand her my hoodie putting it over her shoulders.

"yeah, this way."
clint, kate and i were currently walking her home. i had my hands in my pocket, cold, because i gave her my hoodie.

"how'd you learn to fight like that?" clint asks to start conversation to make it less awkward.

"i, uh, started taking martial arts when i was five."

"wow so like a year ago?" clint asks sarcastically.

i slowly start picking my pace up to stand next to kate. she looks at me and smiles. i just keep my mouth in a thin line and wink at her.

she quickly turns back to clint, "are-are you assessing threats? is that what you're doing?"

"something like that." i reply shortly.

"that's how you operate? you're just constantly looking for things that are suspicious or weird?"

"uh-huh." he replies dryly.

"look, just so you know, i'm not some total noob, right? um i was a little overwhelmed, but i held my own with those douchebags. we're right here."
we stop outside of a building.

she fumbles in the pockets for her keys. "you know some people call me the world greatest archer."

"yeah? do they call you merida from brave too?" i ask sarcastically.

"well, uh, some of them do, yes." she stutters a bit making me chuckle at her nervousness.

"that's wonderful, yeah. open the door?" i ask getting a small 'yes'.

she opens the door walking up the steps with clint following behind. i slowly close the door behind me and sigh. i lean my head on the door with a thud.

i jog up the stairs to catch up with them just in time cause kate opened her door.

she flicker the light on to reveal a golden retriever on the floor, with a missing eye, whining on the floor.

"some guard dog you got there." i say once i shut her door.

"oh, he's, uh, not my dog." she mumbles.

"nice place for a kid." clint says as we take a look around.

"yeah, i inherited it." she takes off my hoodie and hands it to me and smiles.

i smile back holding it in my hands. "what are you, 18?" clint asks after looking in between us.

"i'm 22." she replies standing in front of us. clint moves his body so his back faces kate and smirks at me raising his brows repeatedly.

the archers war | kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now