She heard her mother sigh. "You and him are similar you know that—you're both stubborn as I don't know what—but atleast he's making an effort this is a big step for him—"

"Never compare me to him—and he's the parent. That's his job. Except he's trying to do it 21 years late." Beyoncé said with a attitude.

"Listen Ma, I love you. You know that—but don't expect me to talk to him. You guys may have forgiven him but I haven't." Beyoncé said firmly.

Beyoncé hated being compared to her farther. Even though they shared heavy similarities in looks and in personality. Tina is sure Beyoncé gained her intolerance to emotions from her dad.

"I understand Beyoncé I just wish you would stop being so—guarded." Her mother said sighing. Beyoncé disagreed but she couldn't find the will in her to argue with her mother.

"Cant do much about that ma." Beyoncé said she heard her mother sigh again.  "Alright Bb. I love you—can you do me a favor though?" Her mother asked Beyoncé sighed before agreeing.

"Yes, yes I can." Beyoncé said grabbing a water bottle from her fridge.

"Can you try—being more open? This is your 3rd year of college and I feel like you're not really embracing it. No offense Bb but you're stuck up as if someone shoved their foot up your ass or something." Her mother said and Beyoncé spit out her water.

"Damn Ma!" Beyoncé exclaimed. Her mother had no filter unless it's a sensitive topic. Beyoncé had no filter either way.

"I'm just saying. Just be more open or try to. Try something new. Explore new horizons or whatever works for you. Just—try for me." Her mother pleaded and Beyoncé sighed.

She'd do anything to make her mother happy or satisfied. "Fine." Beyoncé decided. "You promise long neck?" Her mother asked Beyoncé rolled her eyes at the nickname.

"Im not sure if I can promise that T-rex."Beyoncé said incorporating the nickname she called her Mom when she was a little girl. There was a long pause as beyoncé thought.

"Love you Giselle." Her mother said sincerely.

"I love you too Ma." Beyoncé voiced before their call ended.

She bit her lip actually thinking about it—she knew she couldn't just let it all go so easily—unless alcohol was involved. That would be way too big of a change. She decided to think about it later.

She grabbed her water and her nutrigrain bar and walked out of her apartment. She groaned as she got closer to the elevator and seeing the "Out of Order" sign.

"Damn it Gunter." She said cursing her landlords name. She jogged down the stairs and made the long walk to the other side of the building for the working elevator.

She pressed the parking garage floor and made her way to her car. She heard a familiar stutter did a double take.

"I-I'm sorry but—I don't think I was the one who—"

"Then who the hell could have done it?!"

Beyoncé looked around and she we was hesitant to intervene. She didn't exactly know where the voices were coming from—"Should I even get involved?" Beyoncé mumbled. Beyoncé has seen multiple activities she's sure could be deemed illegal happen in this same garage park. Who says it's Onika?

"I-I'm sorry—I just—" After hearing that sorry for the second time Beyonce was sure it was Onika. She decided to stop minding her bussiness and look toward her left.

She was right.

She saw a older man yelling at Onika—he was in her face and backing  her into a corner and at the sight of that Beyoncé immediately started walking towards them.

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