Elementary, My Dear

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Sakura giggled as Gudao complained about the scorching heat of the desert sun as they made their way to the Atlas Institute's location. Hathor was accompanying the group as they traversed the dunes.

Hathor: "Must he complain so much? He has been living in Egypt for multiple days now, has he not?"

Y/n: "Don't mind him. He should probably be more concerned that Astolfo is officially onto his ass, both literally and figuratively."

Hathor: "Ra forbid he ever summons a second Astolfo."

Y/n chuckled as the group continued further into the desert. Isis had sent them on their way with enough water to last them the whole trip and food to last them a while. Hathor being present was both a blessing and a curse though. On one hand, she was like a doting mother to literally everyone in the group. However that was a double edged sword because she was like an extremely overbearing mother in the same vein.

Y/n didn't mind it however, in a way, Hathor reminded him of his own mother. Kind to a fault, overbearing at times, fucking PTSD inducing when angered.

Ophelia was less comfortable with the attention. Her parents... They weren't exactly supportive of her as a person. More like they saw her as a means to an end. That end being a jewel ranked mystic eye that had reached the sixth imaginary factor. The explanation that Ophelia had given of the sixth imaginary factor was that, in simple terms, it was also known as Daemon. It was a force that reacts to the desires of humans and births daemons from their wishes. Apparently, the retinal cells of Medusa's mystic eyes of petrification were also made from the sixth imaginary factor.

Most of the explanation went over Gudao and Gudako's heads, however Mash and Y/n were able to somewhat understand it.

Either way, Ophelia was put subjected to multiple magical operations, all of which were agonisingly painful. In that sense, Y/n could relate to her. When the two spoke about it, they ended up growing much closer than before, to the point where Ophelia started to distance herself because she thought she was still after Wodime.

However that was between Okeanos and London. At present, Ophelia had left her feelings for Wodime behind. Y/n had proven himself to be worth every second of her time as far as she was concerned.

However the constant teasing she got from Illya, Chloe and Irisviel was a bit irritating. However such was to be expected from Y/n's cousins and aunt.

Lancelot, who rode behind the group then found himself in a conversation with Mash, Bedivere and Percival.

Lancelot: "... I hope you don't mind my asking. But that shield. Where did you get it?"

Mash: "It belongs to the heroic spirit that I'm fused with."

Lancelot hummed. He knew who the shield belonged to. As did Percival and Bedivere. So why had nobody told her yet?

Bedivere: "So you don't know his name? The servant that lives within you."

Mash: "I hope one day I can learn it."

Lancelot: "... I know who he is."

Percival: "Truth be told, so do I."

Bedivere: "Same."

Lordred (distant): "Same here!"

Mash: "Wait, if you four know him... He's a knight, isn't he?"

Lancelot stayed silent and looked away as Percival smirked.

Percival: "Oh yeah. He's a knight that specialised in using a shield. But there was something he also had that Lancelot knows all too well about."

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