Knight of Rebellion

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It was dusk as the knights arrived at the fortress. Mordred had a scowl on her face as Percival and Lordred walked behind her, both dwarfing her in height.

The three knights left their subordinates to reinforce the garrison of the fortress before they headed to Agravain's office. As they entered, they saw Agravain and Y/n with Arcueid.

Mordred: "The fuck is this? You two buyin' hookers from the villages or somethin'?"

Arcueid: "Hi. I'm Arcueid, I'm the one that's not immediately calling you a whore because you're in the same room as two men."

Percival couldn't help but chuckle while Lordred just face-palmed.

Mordred: "Arcueid, huh? Meh, don't care. Father has orders for you two."

Y/n: "Oh?"

Agravain: "And what might those be?"

Mordred: "We're launchin' a raid against the western village. At dawn."

Agravain and Y/n were both surprised by the orders, however Y/n had a countermeasure.

Y/n: "Yeah... no."

Mordred: "The fuck you say?"

Y/n: "We're not launching a raid, it'd cost too many resources."

Mordred: "The hell it will!"

Percival: "How many men do you have on standby?"

Agravain: "Roughly sixty."

Mordred: "That's more than enough!"

Y/n: "If you want to launch a raid then we can do. However it'll leave the fortress vulnerable. We'll be dealing with a Hassan-I-Sabbah for crying out loud, possibly multiple."

Mordred: "So?"

Arcueid: "Don't underestimate the old men of the mountain. They're extremely proficient at killing. Y/n's right though. A raid would be too annoying to deal with. An evacuation would be alright though."

Mordred: "The hell did you just suggest!?"

Lordred: "Master?"

Y/n: "Not my call. It's hers."

Y/n pointed behind the knights and his servants understood immediately, however Mordred did not as she spun to look.

As her green eyes met with Morgan's blue ones, a deep seeded dread crept over her.

Mordred: "M- Mother..."

Morgan: "Hello, Mordred. Doing well?"

Mordred shrunk in the presence of Morgan as she entered the room and Agravain went silent.

Morgan: "What's this about an evacuation, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Arcueid?"

Arcueid: "If you guys are working against the lion king then the best thing to do in Y/n's position is to send word to the other two masters that are in the east village before the knights can get to the west village."

Morgan: "Hm, then you'd be able to attack the village with no casualties."

Shinbei: "Shall I go ahead and inform Gudako and Ophelia?"

Y/n: "Please do, Shinbei."

Morgan: "Make it fast. Artoria wants this raid to happen at dawn."

Shinbei nodded before speeding out the door so he could get the info to the others.

Percival: "I don't suppose there's any showers around here?"

Y/n: "Unfortunately not, Percival."

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