Old Men of The Mountain

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Da Vinci, Ophelia and Gudako had been forced to stay in the town surrounding Camelot for the time being, Da Vinci looked up as the three walked around and saw Shinbei gazing down at them.

Da Vinci: "Well if we get into any trouble, we can count on Shinbei."

Bedivere: "Who is Shinbei? I don't know anyone by that name."

Da Vinci: "Ah, Shinbei's an assassin from Japan. One of the most well respected assassins as a matter of fact. He's currently working under Y/n's orders."

Bedivere: "A knight of the round?"

Da Vinci: "An infiltrator, yes."

Bedivere: "the lion king will be wary of such a man."

Ophelia: "Indeed, but what other choice do they have. If they accepted Y/n into their ranks, they'd have to accept his servants as well."

Gudako: "Yeah, but I got a good view of those abs from down here so by all means, keep watchin' over us Shinbei~..."

Ophelia giggled as the group moved around as knights walked around among the people.

Da Vinci: "They're looking for something."

Bedivere: "Indeed. It's called the selection ceremony. The knights are going to take people into Camelot. You see the ones with a slight glow around them? Those are the chosen."

The knights were rounding the people up until they came to a woman who refused to go with them unless her son was allowed to go with them. As you could probably expect, they were unamused and it got to the point where the knights just fucking cut the woman down on the spot.

Gudako's eyes widened in horror as they turned their attention to the boy who was in tears begging his mother to wake up.

Mash couldn't bear the sight as she sprinted forward and bashed her shield into one of the knights to protect the boy.

The knights didn't miss a beat in changing their target to Mash as they all advanced on her. Shinbei knew he couldn't intervene, however he saw a head of blonde hair making its way to the group of knights through the crowd.

Mash kept her defence up until the sound of metal being torn apart could be heard. The knights all turned to one of their comrades, who had been completely ripped apart and was now on the ground in a mess of gore.

They drew their swords as they saw the culprit standing over him.

???: "Grab the boy and the others and go. Those knights'll just kill everyone! Get going! NOW!!"

Mash nodded as Da Vinci and the others hurriedly persuaded people to run for it.

The refugees ran as fast as they could as more knights descended upon the new threat. Mash got a good look at who it was now. She was a young looking woman with pale skin and red eyes. Her most striking feature were the large claws protruding from her fingers though.

Da Vinci spotted her as well as she uttered two words as she and the others guided the refugees away from the city.

Da Vinci: "True Ancestor..."

Shinbei took this as his cue as he jumped down in front of the woman and drew his katana.

???: "You're a big guy for an assassin."

Shinbei: "Many would mistake me for a berserker."

The woman laughed as she got ready to intercept the servant. Shinbei rushed forwards and tried to land a strike, however the woman was far too fast for him to keep up with. She delivered a palm strike to his back and sent him stumbling forwards a few metres before he spun and corrected himself.

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Chaos in CamelotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang