The Angel That Announces Death

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Ophelia and Gudako were awakened by the sound of the villagers going about their day. 

Gudako did a couple of stretches before getting ready to go on patrol with Arash and Bedivere. Mash was going to be staying behind with Ophelia and Zhuge.

Zenobia was currently discussing something with Cursed Arm when they heard the sound of clanking armour approaching. Cursed Arm gripped the bandaged that covered his left arm as the sound got closer. However he relaxed when he saw the wolf-shaped helmet cresting the hill.

Y/n: "You lot sure as shit don't make it easy to get to these villages."

Cursed Arm: "It's safer like this."

Y/n: "I don't doubt it. But you guys need to get ready to get a move on."

Zenobia: "You bring news from Camelot?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Tristan's been deployed here. He's a vicious archer and he's been buffed to hell and back by Artoria."

Cursed Arm: "Where can we go? There is nowhere for us to run."

Y/n was about to answer when the sun suddenly got a lot brighter.

???: "You may send the villagers unto us in the dunes."

Y/n looked up and his eyes widened as he recognised the aura of a divine spirit. However this one was different from any he had experienced thus far.

Ahura-Mazda: "T- That's definitely a god."

Cailleach: "No joke, I can tell it's an Egyptian god too."

Y/n watched as the divine spirit descended. The light that surrounded them dispersed and he got a look at this new face.

Sekhmet grinned at him as she stepped forward. Ophelia trembled as she sensed the overwhelming power that Sekhmet held.

Sekhmet: "You may send your villagers to Egypt. However there is a price for doing so."

Y/n: "If you're going to try and fight, then I'm the only person here that can stand a chance."

Sekhmet: "Hahaha! I don't doubt that! But no, my price is the assistance of the angel of death who lives atop the mountain."

Hundred Faces walked over as Serenity appeared behind Y/n.

Hundred Faces: "You want the great founder?"

Serenity: "The great founder will not respond to such selfish demands."

Sekhmet: "This isn't for my own satisfaction. I'll have your magician for that. This is for the good of humanity. Egypt is rallying its forces to launch a pre-emptive offensive against Camelot."

Y/n: "That makes sense. Agravain's been tasked with scouting Egypt on multiple occasions."

Sekhmet: "So she's already trying to gain an edge. I have tolerated the camp in the north, however perhaps I should destroy it."

Y/n: "Try it and no amount of divine intervention will save you from me. That camp is for refugees and injured soldiers who remain disloyal to the Lion King."

Sekhmet was quiet for a moment before her smirk returned.

Sekhmet: "Very well. But my position remains the same. Fetch the grand assassin and I will accept the villagers to Egypt with open arms. Should you want to fix this singularity, magician, I and four of my fellow gods shall be awaiting you in the palace. Do try not to die before you get to me."

Y/n felt himself go cold upon hearing those words. Not just Sekhmet, but four others!? That could only spell disaster.

Bailong: "If Sekhmet has played her cards right, we'll be dealing with some of the heaviest hitters in the Egyptian pantheon."

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Chaos in Camelotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن