'You shouldn't have, Jin-ah!' He yelled the moment I walked closed our bedroom door. 'What part of 'do not unnecessarily exert' do you not understand?' he stomped about and rushed into the washroom. He is very bad at eye contact when fuming and yelling. Because he cannot be mad otherwise, half the things he says are not meant to hurt me.  'Hmph! Jeon Jungkook should have known better' he mumbled to himself wiping the remains of makeup from his face.

'I was not exerting!' I whined, trying to pout at him. He briefly looked at me but shook his head. This usually works for him. In frustration I picked on the piling cotton swabs in the sink.
'Don't thrown them in the sink! You will block it again!' I nagged.

'Then why were you in pain? Just because you can sing now doesn't mean you can fly. Don't try to be unnecessarily brave, Seokjin-ah!' He warned me. I flinched at his tone, low and rational.

'I was just out of breath, ok? It's not a big deal. It happens sometimes.' I whined again, trying to convince the man that knew my Illness better than I did. But he didn't know my mind. I collected the cotton swabs that he didn't clean and threw them the dustbin as he changed in the closet. 'I miss playing with Kookie  Besides I always feel bad about the way all the members and staff avoid me.' I appealed as I stripped to change. But turned to leave already, no scope to even hold his attention or seduce him.

'They avoid you because they you haven't healed completely yet. They understand as well, why can't you?! Do you want to sit in the chair for the rest of your life?!' he scolded me while closing his wardrobe with a thud, making me jump. 'What if he had hit you by mistake? Can you imagine the damage he would have caused? Why do you think all these days they kept a distance from you while rehearsing? Do you have any sense if Jungkook had even grabbed you in the ribs, you would have choked?!' he growled starting to leave. I hated the way his words got under my skin. But I have had enough, I tried with the good side.

'Enough Taehyung!' I sighed. Nothing serious happened after I got home. Appa and Eomma fussed over me, I slept the entire afternoon, ate a good meal while Taehyung called many times. Voila! I was walking again by the seven in the evening, and even greeted him at the corridor. But he was in the mood to unpack his pile from the entire day.
'Jungkookie didn't, did he?! I am standing on my feet right in front of you!' I growled back, not ready to take his shit anymore. My shield was up. He turned back from the closet door. He reached out to help me into my shirt, which would nullify the word I had just said. Stupid sleeves! Just co-operate, you stupid shirt! 'Stop!' I warned him and he did. I was losing context, QUICK QUICK! 'Just stop babying me in front of everyone, will you?!' his face went blank. Guarding up, i see. 'Everyone thinks i am so fucking vulnerable! ' still no reaction. Infact he shrugged and turned back to the bed 'I am talking to you!' Ah! how he gets to me when he behaves like this! He undid the bed to snuggle in 'Did you really have to yell at the style team for the jacket?! I could have told her that!' I don't know why, but i was absolutely bothered with the way she looked at me. A look of pity. Even in the chaos of backstage. 

'Did you know how heavy it was? Your notes would have been affected during Truth Untold' he sat up, staring point blank at me.  I know he is being rational. But I was all fired up. Pent up anger bubbling again. 

'But it was meant for me! I would have told her!' 

'Why didn't you say something before the dress rehearsal then?! Why wait till then?! See! Even Namjoon Hyung agreed with me' he crossed his arms. I wanted to scream. Because he was pointing out to my indecision. I chose to make a compromise. But yelling at the staff is still unacceptable. Especially on my behalf!

'I didn't want to make me an exception! I would have figured something out!' my voice coarse with the high tone. 

'You wouldn't have! You would have suffered through it!' he whisper and yelled at me, blank face breaking in places. 'Lower your voice, will you? You will wake them up!' blood drained from my mind. I know he means well. But my brain was in a war mode. 

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