Everyone looked at Jisung after hearing what he had said. Jisung so far hadn't said a bad thing about any of the members and all of his words seemed genuine. He always spoke longer than everyone else. And with Felix, those words came out sincere and serious. He had a sad smile on his face the whole time he spoke.

"Thank you," Felix eventually responded.

"And Seungmin?"

"He's a bit quiet and doesn't like to be around people."_Hyunjin
"He kinda acts like a puppy. It's cute."_Minho
"He's an amazing singer, his voice is so stable. I love listening to him sing."_Jeongin
"He doesn't really like physical affection but seeing him accept a hug makes me happy."_Felix
"He's an amazing person to work with. I really like singing with him. Rapping in contrast to his voice always sounds amazing."_Changbin
"I like being around him. I just think he needs to speak up more. He is an extrovert afterall, it'd be nice to hear from him more."_Bangchan.
"He's very talented and kind. He's quiet so it reminds me of myself when I'm alone. It's comforting to know that there's someone else who doesn't like social interaction that much, even if we're opposites when it comes to introvert/extrovert. I see similarities between us and it's comforting. He's an amazing singer and he makes everyone around him happy. He's really cute too!"_Jisung

"Physical contact makes me uncomfy. But thanks," Seungmin said, pouting childishly.

"How about the lovely maknae?"

"Jeongin is a bit of a brat honestly. But I love him."_Changbin
" He's sassy and fun and his voice is incredible."_Seungmin
"He's really weird, and his dolphin scream makes my ears bleed. But all of that is what makes Jeongin who he is."_Hyunjin
"He's an amazing makane and he lived up to the title 'Maknae On Top'."_Bangchan
"I like teaching him how to flirt. He's like my little student. He's been hanging out with me a lot and it's nice to see I'm rubbing off on him."_Minho
"He makes brownies with me sometimes. He also plays a lot of Among Us with Hyunjin. They're fun to be around. I like talking to him."_Felix.
"He's funny. He's our little baby and I like being around him. He really is sassy and cocky but it's ok. He's great. Watching the music video for 'Maknae On Top' made me smile. It was really creative and it showed who Jeongin was for sure. He's a great person."_Jisung

"Aww you love~ me," Jeongin teased.

"How about Bangchan?"

"He's an amazing leader and my best friend. We work hard together and he's really talented."_Changbin
"He's really comforting. He always makes me feel better when I'm sad. He's like a parent."_Seungmin
"When I'm uncomfortable he does whatever he can to make me feel better. I appreciate him a lot."_Jeongin.
"He's a talented vocalist and producer. I like working with him and hearing what comes out."_Minho
"He's a big brother to me. He's pushed me through some of the hardest times in my life. I'm so grateful to have him around. He means the world to me. He's so encouraging and always calls when I'm not having a good time. He makes me feel safe and cared for. I love my hyung so much."_Felix
"He's very encouraging. He's helped me through hard times and bad situations. I love being around him."_Hyunjin
"He's the best leader. He's very encouraging and comforting. He's talented. I love working with him and making music with him. He comes up with some of the best ideas. He's an amazing person. He's an awesome singer and a good writer. He makes all of us happy and Stay happy. We're lucky to have him."_Jisung

Jisung sighed when he saw his name come on the screen. He knew since the members could choose whether or not these were broadcasted to fans. They would all speak their honest opinions and just keep it from the public. They would probably use covers to put out to fans. When he heard their words, he smiled sadly, as his realization had been correct.

"How do you feel about Jisung?"

"God, he's so annoying. He can't get anything right."_Jeongin
"He never gets work done on time. He's so slow."_Changbin
"Everyone says I'm the dramatic one, but when it comes to him whenever he's around a lot of people he shakes and gets scared. He's dramatic. Like jeez, calm down."_Hyunjin
"He doesn't know when to quit. He's so loud. He calls himself an introvert? Yeah right."_Seungmin
"I can't stand him. He's useless. I try to see the good in everyone but I can't with him."_Bangchan
"He's an annoying brat. I don't like him near me. It pisses me off. He can't ever leave me alone."_Minho
"I don't like him...he's annoying and stupid and a brat. He should just stay away from me."_Felix.

Jisung had a small, sad smile on his face the whole time. Hearing those things directly hurt way more than anything the members had ever done to him. He couldn't help it, he started laughing. Shaking and laughing, covering his face with his hands.

"Jisung...?" Felix asked, walking over to him.

When Jisung removed his hands from his face he was crying. He was crying a lot. But he still wore that bright smile. "I'm ok, don't worry. I expected this. I knew it would hurt. I should've prepared myself more," He said through his tears and giggles.

"Hyung, you're scaring me," Jeongin said, backing away from him.

"No, no, I'm ok. It's nothing really! But I think I'm gonna head to my room now," He said, giving one last big smile before walking upstairs and back to the dorms.

Just a Little Kindness || JiLix slow burnWhere stories live. Discover now