Very slightly inspired by Bendy and the Ink Machine

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The place was dark. And it was quiet, but it wasnt really, because there was water dripping from a leaky pipe and there was the faint hum of the flickering lights that really didnt give off much light at all and there was the creak of the floorboard wherever you stepped and there was breathing.

And not just Gerard's.

Yhere was breathing all around him, in the walls and in the floor and in the cieling. there was breathing in places that shouldnt be breathing and there was too much of it all at once. The walls started closing in, only they didn't, because the light that didnt give off much light at all went off without a warning and suddenly it was quiet, too quiet.

The water dripping from the leaky pipe had stopped as well, and the floorboards didnt seem to creak anymore and there was no more faint hum from the light because there was no light. There was nothing.

Gerard briefly wondered if he had died, before pushing the thought aside as he kept walking. This place seemed familiar, except it didn't, because Gerard had no idea where he was- he was walking through complete darkness.

He had certainly never been in this place- he would have remembered the extremely uneven floor and the room that seemed to be completely empty and go on forever because he kept walking and he didn't bump into a single thing.

And suddenly the flickering light had turned on again, only it wasn't flickering anymore. The light was bright- too bright- and Gerard had to cover his eyes to avoid getting blinded. And then the water from the pipe came back so much louder than it had been before, and it was right behind him, but when Gerard turned around there was no pipe. No water. There was nothing there.

There was nothing there because he was standing in an enclosed room with no walls. He strained his eyes yet the were no walls in any direction, only an extremely short cieling that once again sounded like it was breathing.

And the breathing was everywhere and it was nowhere, louder than it had ever been before yet not nearly as loud as the thoughts that raced through Gerard's mind.

Because now the light was off again. The light was off again and the breathing had ceased and there was no more humming from the light because the light had turned off.

A creak sounded somewhere to Gerard's left, and he stood there, alone with his thoughts and the tears that had started to fall down his cheek and it was too much, because although there was nothing it was all too much.

The flickering light had turned on and this time it was flickering again, and the humming started again and Gerard was a completely different room but he was in the exact same place because he hadn't moved at all.

And though it was dark, Gerard could still somehow see, except he couldnt see it was more of a feeling he got. That feeling when you know something, but youre not sure just how you know it. That feeling where you're trying to convince yourself that you must be wrong because you can't stand the truth but deep down, you know that you're right. That feeling where your stomach clenches and you want to throw up but you can't because you can't remember the last time you ate anything of substance.

The yellowing floorboards looked like they had been there for an age, and they were peeling in the corners and some had come off completely. There were various spills and stains everywhere- a questionable green ooze and some thick white liquid that Gerard didn't want to think about. But that wasnt all because there was so much more yet there was nothing.

Because Gerard knew that this was simply a figment of his imagination yet he couldnt quite convince himself that it wasn't real because everything seemed so lifelike.

Everything from the wooden table that had long since rotted from water damage down to the copper pipe that didnt quite look like copper anymore because of how much dust had settled on it and how much it had oxidised.

A creak then sounded once again- the same one- this time from somewhere behind Gerard. He didn't want to turn around, yet wanted nothing more than to turn around and see where the creak was coming from.

And as Gerard turned around he knew deep in his mind that there was someone there, and he knew deep in his mind that whoever it was was most certainly not friendly, yet he found himself turning around anyway.

"Gerard? Gerard where are you?" A painfully familiar voice sounded. Where was it coming from? The breathing around him got louder, it was more laboured, more heavy. It got faster and faster and Gerard could do nothing to stop it, nothing, and he tried to run, he tried his absolute hardest to run but he felt more like he was running through quicksand than thin air. Shadows appeared all around him and his breathing quickened to match that which was all around him, and he tried his best to shout but all he could do was let out a pained sob- a noise that he had never made before because he had never felt quite so helpless, quite so lonely, quite so scared. Gerard kneeled down and pulled at his hair and his head spun and everything was shaking and then he closed his eyes and he screamed.

A sharp pain stung Gerard's cheek and he sat up. He didn't have time to see where he was before he was pulled into somebody's chest and his heart was still racing, his breathing was still hard and rapid yet he relaxed into the person's touch because at the moment, he didn't quite care who it was that he was hugging, because at least its another person, and at least he wasnt back in that godawful room with the yellowing floorboards and the leaky pipe.

The person had pulled away, so Gerard took a minute to try and calm himself and to look around.

He was in his bedroom- of course he was- and it was all coming back now. He and his boyfriend- Frank- had gone on a date today, they'd gone bowling and then had some burgers, and when they'd come home they were exhausted. They were so tired that they'd gone straight to bed, but they didn't fall asleep immediately. They'd had a heart to heart chat and theyd both shared their tragic backstories until they'd eventually fallen asleep cuddled up next to each other.

A while after they'd fallen asleep, he explained, Frank had woken up to the sound of someone sobbing, and knew something was up because Gerard had frequent night terrors, yet none had been quite so vivid nor quite so terrifying as this most recent one. Gerard had started shaking, and crying, and sobbing, and Frank had tried his hardest to wake Gerard up but he couldn't. He slapped Gerard across the face with a sinking feeling as Gerard had started breathing so fast he'd stopped, which led them back to their current situation.

Gerard had finally began to calm down, and Frank took it as an opportunity to ask what the hell had just happened.

"I dont know. I was in this creepy room, and then it went completely dark, and then it wasn't dark anymore, but then it was dark again, and then the lights turned on and I was back in the first room again and the walls and the cieling were breathing and something was creaking behind me and- and I just-" Gerard's recollection was interrupted by his own choked sob, as he pulled his boyfriend into another hug, and they stayed there for a long time but really it felt like no time at all, because they were together and that was all that really mattered to them.

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