"good morning" I said, and his eyes focused into mine.

"hm, I can definitely get used to this." he said, his voice laced with sleep. It was like honey being poured into my ears or something like that.

"yeah? I don't look gross?" I asked, and I asked this knowing full well that I brushed my hair in the mirror after fixing my stitch. I looked as best as I could considering my face looked like an old peach in a grocery store.

"not at all." he said, and rolled onto his stomach. "you slept okay?"

I nodded. I considered the pain radiating from having his heavy arm thrown over me but this moment, right here, with the two of us in his bed, right where we're were not supposed to be, this moment was one for the memories. And it had to be perfect.

"I have to get to work." he groaned.

"work? You mean finding the man who did this and ruining his life?" I asked, and he smiled.

"exactly." he yawned and I wished he'd take his eyes off me for one second, something he hadn't done since they first opened today.

"you are not to fucking go anywhere while I'm gone. I have to take Jaxon with me so you'll be alone." he barked, not even 9am and he's cursing with his godforsaken mouth already.

"where's Aly?" I asked, and his eyes turned with worry. I could see it. I could smell it on him, he was worried.

"she's not home. She's staying somewhere else. There's about 8 guards in here, and I'll be home as soon as I can." he spoke, roughly but I nodded. I got the feeling he didn't want to talk about Aly, and so I didn't say a word.

I guess a part of me didn't want to know.

"I swear to God Kat, I'll tie you to this fucking bed, and unlike your fantasies, I'll leave you here" he said, and smirked.

My cheeks grew so hot I'm sure an egg could fry on it.

"I'm going to pretend like I didn't just hear that. And don't worry your pretty head, I'll be fine." I said, and he looked somewhat convinced.

"pretty?" he asked, I detected some condescension in his tone but I ignored it.

"very pretty. I'd bet that pretty face gets you whatever you want from the women you bring into this bed of yours." I said, and realized that I talk too much.

"funny you think that, you're the first woman who's ever touched my fucking doorway. But tell me, does that theory apply to you? Would my pretty face work?" he asked, and tilted his head left.

I bit back my smile

"Stop flirting with me, Kingston. Go away." I said, and rested my body against the pillow and shut my eyes. "Chasing me out of my own bedroom," he mumbles. I smile to myself. I heard him sigh and leave the bed, grabbing whatever he needed to get ready for work.

He woke me up before he could leave to give me tablets.

"this shit is already working. Your face is clearing up and the cut is healing fast." he said, using his finger to turn my face so he can examine it. I can't figure out why I liked that so much.

The patch I put over the wound helped a lot with the pain. I couldn't tell Axle that his attempt to keep his body closer to mine was a crash and fail and ended up hurting me. But it wasn't bad. And I liked being close to him. I could feel his breath on my neck as we slept. And I could feel his heartbeat against my back. I loved every second of it.

He left the pills by my side and reminded me to take them 1 more time, then he'd be home again to give me my last hit for the day.He also told me my phone was there and that he was always available. He also said there's chefs downstairs who would make anything under the sun. His words were looping in my head but I enjoyed the roughness of his Italian accent. It was very sexy. I felt his lips press softly onto my forehead before he left. My head was resting on the pillow, but his fingers still tangled in my hair like they always did, and his kiss lingered. I could still feel it as the sleep carried me away. Axle Kingston kissed me.

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