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4 years later

"Maleeah come here" "yes ma'am " "you seen mommy shoe" "the one with the butterfly?" "No. The pink ones" "no" "well I'll just take the ones with the butterflies then". She handed me the shoe and we got in the car.
Today we was going back to the city I used to live in when I stayed in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Applying for jobs.

I had Maleeah at 18. She was a preemie and due to what had happened the day I got the c section she wasn't going to make it. God pulled through though. Now we live in a 1 bedroom apartment in Clarksville, Tennessee. Life isn't easy, but i try. I do everything in my power to do better for my baby and myself.

"Leeah grab them pickles for mommy" "here you go" "thank you baby". I placed the pickles in buggy and picked leeah up and put her on my hip.
"Leeah you want a toy?" "Yes" "you can pick out 2". I put her down and she took off accidentally running into this man who looked somewhat familiar.

Montrez Dale Davis

"Woah, hey li mama. You okay" I said looking down to pick up this baby girl. "Yes, I'm good" "whats ya name?" "Maleeah" "where's ya mommy maleeah?" She pointed to this fine brownskin girl coming towards us. "My b. I wasn't watching her" she said reaching to maleeah. "it's cool. You live around here?" "No, just visiting" "oh. You look mad familiar" "oh really? I don't think I recognize you. probably deja vu" she said softly smiling then turning away from me. "DejaVu" "yeah" then she walked away.
Maleeah looked exactly like my moms. That's crazy.

I finished grabbing some toys for my nephew and went to the other aisle to get him but then seen him wit Maleeah. I watched for a while and seen they was looking at toys together and looked at her mom and she was looking at some paper. I guess it was a list.

"Siah, this yo friend?" "This my girlfriend" "your girlfriend wow"
"Leeah" her mother called out coming towards us. "My bad again. I was trying to look at the- nvm" "it's all cool. How old is she?" "4" "Siah 4 too". She nodded looking uninterested. She reached to pick males ah so I reached to pick up Siam.
"They seem like good friends, you wanna arrange a play date?" "I don't know. I be busy and we don't even live down here. Plus who knows. You could be a killer or some shit" I held my chest fake hurt. "Do i strike you as a killer?" "Maybe" she said showing all 28. "I don't kill, I'm not crazy I promise." "Mhm hmm. What y'all doing after this?" "Home" "can we do it now?" "Where you want to take them?" "The park" "just not the one on Selemns street. Too ghetto" "Autumns park?" "That's cool. We can meet y'all over there in like 2 hours". She nodded and walked away.

Myonne Anyuh Maleeah
The park

"Mommy where my boyfriend?" "Who your boyfriend?" "The one from the store" "that's not your boyfriend Leeah" "yes it is" "okay girl😂"

"Sorry we late" "it's straight. We just sat down" "Siah y'all can go play". Leeah turned to me for reassurance then went to play.
"She so cute" "thank you. Your boy must look like his mom" "that's my nephew" "oh. My b" "it's cool. I'm taking care of him till his dad get out of jail" "that's so nice of you"
"Where's her father". I looked down. "You ain't gotta answer if you don't want to" "she ain't got a daddy" "meaning you don't know him or you just don't want her to know him?" "He got me pregnant at some party years ago ain't talked since" "oh my bad" "ain't your fault" We watched Siah and Leeah keep playing.

"One more question" "go head" "if you didn't live here how you know selemns street park ghetto?" "Caught a glance of it" I lied. "Cool cool". He looked as if he know i had lied.

"Leeah. We gotta go" "but mommy" "dont but mommy me"

"I never got ya name" "nyuh" "I'm Trez" "cool" "lemme see ya phone". I tossed him my phone while fixing Leeah up" "my number in there. Ima text you soon. Hope we can do this again"

Myonne !" I whipped my head around to see who it was. "Kyanna". She nodded yes and I ran into her arms and we hugged. "Bitch where have you been?" "Off the grid. We was finna come surprise you. Damn you get on my nerves" "we? You brought tt baby?" I pointed to Leeah. She walked over to introduce herself to her and I went to put the stuff in the car.

"What y'all was doing out here" "she was having a play date with Siah" "you might as well go back and let them play" she said as we sat back on the bench. "Ugh Trez" "ugh Kyanna" "y'all know each other" "yeah. We all went to hi-" "oh"
We all talked not bringing anything up about high school until it got close to dark and we spent the night at Kys house.

"You ain't put 2 and 2 together yet?" "Whatchu mean" "you remember that big party" "yeah" "Trez threw that. He the one that got you pregnant" "I know. I'm jus not gonna tell him" "why not" "I don't want her to ge through da shit i went through" "I feel you. Well goodnight girly. I love you" "love you too Ky. Goodnight"

Text from Trez

When you going back home
Damn. Wanted to see if we could get some grown folk time in
We could do it another time

When's another time?
Whenever I'm back in town

Cool, i was looking at the picture and Maleeah looks like my mom. That shit crazy huh
Gotta be

Can we meet tomorrow before you go?
I gotta see

I'll send you a location when I get up
I didn't say yes
You ain't say no either
Goodnight Trez
Night "nyuh"

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