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"Trez. I'm going to do something" "huh? Whatchu finna do?" "Nothing nevermind" "nah what was you finna say"  I thought of a lie quick. "I wanna meet your family" "forreal?" "Yeah. Thanksgiving in like 3 days, ya mama cooking?" "Yep" he said smiling from ear to ear. "You wanna come meet my mama forreal?"  I nodded. He jumped up and pulled me up and kissed me before hugging me then letting me go and getting Leeah. "Leeah you going to meet your grandma" he said in a singy type voice, dancing around with her.
It was so cute but I felt hella bad lying to him. He's so happy.

"When you wanna go down?" "The day before thanksgiving?" "That a work".

I left out and thought on my plan and then took a nap.

Day before thanksgiving

"Trez. Here's her clothes in this bag and her snacks for the road" "Whatchu telling me for? Just put it in the car".
I put the bags in his passenger seat and moved her care seat from my car to his.

"We all riding in my car?"
I looked down.

"Trez can I talk to you?" "Lee go in the living room" he gave her his phone and she went and sat on the couch.

"What's this about?" He said leaning on my dresser in the room.
"I can't come with y'all" "Whatchu mean you can't come?" "I'm going to Atlanta" "fa why?" "I want to see my family" "what about mines?" "Trez I can see your family at any time. Plus I'm sure your mom only wants to meet Leeah" "she wanna meet both of y'all" "Trez I'm sorry but you have to understand. I haven't seen my family in over 7 years. 7 years. No call, no text no anything" "I do understand Ny. I just don't want you to be hurt. Ny. It's been 7 years and they haven't reached out to you, looked for you or nuna that. You think they miss you?" "But I miss them" "I get that" "thank you" "I just don't want you to get hurt, Ny" he said pulling me into his arms. "I'm not gonna get hurt Trez" "alright". He kissed my forehead and then rested his head back on mines.

"Alright y'all have to get going" "when you leaving out?" "Tomorrow. Or maybe tonight" "I need you to call me when you leaving. And when you get there. You even have a plan?" "Trez im going to be fine" "I know". I pecked his lips and sent him out the door.

"Leeah you going with daddy. Ima come see y'all later okay?" "Okay mama" I buckled her seatbelt in and showered her with kisses.
"I love you okay?" "I love you too mommy".

I stood up and Trez was right behind me.
"Why you so close, you tryna do a quickie or something?" "I mean shiit. Nah im playing. I like taking my time with you" "bye. You're gonna make me blush". He grabbed me and we kissed.

"Ima miss y'all. Take care of my baby for me and Leeah take care of your father for me" he rolled his eyes. "No seriously. Be safe on the road. Let's pray"
"Heavenly Father we come to you today to ask that you protect, guide and watch over this car and the people in it. Please get them to all of their destinations safely and back. We thank you and praise you. In Jesus name we pray amen".

"Thank you fa the prayer Ny" "anytime. Love y'all and be safe". I patted the car and blew a kiss to Lee before going into the house and watching them pull out the drive way.

I went into the room getting all my bags together and putting them in the living room, set my timer for 5 then took a nap.

5:00 am

When I got up I loaded my bags into the cat, grabbed my protection kit, locked the apartment up and left out for the gas station.

I paid for gas then got hella snacks. This a 3 hour ride.

I clocked into a hotel room around 11 am and went straight to sleep.

Around 5 I took a shower and made myself presentable.

"What y'all doing" "leeah and Siah in the living room with my mama. She love her so much. Whatchu doing" "trying to look presentable. I look presentable?" I said stepping back so he could see.

"You look beautiful Ny" "forreal Trez. I look like a daughter and big sister? Is this something they'd wear to thanksgiving dinner?" "don't worry bout what they think" "you right. I'm overthinking this" "a little bit too much" "im nervous. I'm bout to sweat my makeup off" "you don't even have on make up" "you right". He was right. All I had in was lashes. I want them to be able to recognize me.

"Oh shit" "what?" "What if I see my father? How am i supposed to react?" "You think it was right what he did?" "No" "so fuck him. ignore him". He was right again. "Trez you on point right now" "I know". "I gotta get off the phone. I wanna calm down before I go" "alright. Be safe Ny. Call me when you get there" "okay". I hung up and laid back on the bed.

"Trez" "wassup" "im about to throw up" "you there?" I nodded my head.
"Breathe". I did some deep breaths
"You overreacting. The worst they can do is not recognize you at first glance" he was right again. He deserve some nasty head.

"You okay Ny?" "Yeah" "you look real nervous. You covered up my hickies?" "No they went away" "ima just give you some more" He said lighting the mood. "I'm going in".
"Put me in your ear. Don't hang up". I did just that and got out the card and walked to the door.

I heard faint laughter of my mama and my heart almost melted
"Who is it?" Kenzie yelled. I recognized her mouth from anywhere. I didn't reply and she swung the door open.

"Myonne???" "Kenzie" she frowned and shut the door behind her.

"You should be a damn shame. 6 years and you just now coming back. Mama just stopped grieving you. And you show up now. How could you run away when we were struggling. You're our older sister, if our parents aren't doing right, you should've been there so we can lean on you. But no, you run away with a grown ass man so we could struggle on our own. But you know what. As soon as you left, life started getting better. We're better off without you. Mama, daddy, Ro, myself and Maya. Your not in this family anymore. Leave for i call my boyfriend's homeboys". She went back in and slammed the door.

I stayed there for a few seconds staring in disbelief and tears threatened my eyes. They came down hard.

I turned around to go to my car.

"Myonne?" It was my childhood crush. "What's wrong. Where you going. Myonne". He waved at the car. I ignored him. I balled mg eyes out.

"Ny" I heard Trez through the phone. He heard it all. I hung up. That's embarrassing.

Driving back to the hotel room I went upstairs and just cried. Never stopped. I cried all night.

3 am

I ignored it. It's 3 in the morning who at the door.

*knock again

I got up and opened the door. It was Trez

"Trez. What're you doing here?" My words came out weak and groggily.

He reached out and grabbed me into a hug. I really did need that.
"How you feeling?" "What're you doing here?" "I'm here fa you Ny. Don't ask bout Leeah or Siah. They say more than safe and okay" "I'm fine" "you're not. Your eyes are red as hell your lip all red. You been biting it too hard".

"You was right Trez. I was going to get hurt. I'm hurt like a motherfucker right now". He pulled me on top of him. "What happened"
"Kenzie opened the door and basically told me that it was my fault what happened to me. She said I ran away with B. And that they were better off without me" "did you even get to explain what happened to her". I felt myself gag.

"I can't keep talking or thinking about this. I'm gonna be sicker". Trez nodded his head and pulled the cover over us and tightened his grip on me.

I watched him breathe lightly and snore a little in his sleep. He's so fucking cute.
"Thank You Trez. For being there for me. Through everything that happened you were always there and I Fuck witchu so heavily for that. You deserve the world". I stared at him for a little while then kissed his chin and went to sleep.

𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝘂 𝗵𝗲𝗿🥀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora