~VWWDC 18~

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Jungkook smiled as he helped Taehyung with cooking

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Jungkook smiled as he helped Taehyung with cooking.
"I told you that it's okay" Taehyung says, shaking his head.
"And you want me to watch you guys burn the kitchen down like what happened two days ago?" Jungkook says, scoffing.

"And besides, I'm almost healing, don't worry too much" Jungkook says, kissing Taehyung's cheek. Jungkook looked out the kitchen and saw how the two is decorating where they'll put the foods on.

The two looks back, smiling.
"You guys are doing good" Jungkook says, giving a thumbs up as he smiled wider, proud.

Jungkook smiled and walked back to where Taehyung is.
"You're so smiley for no reason" Taehyung says, chuckling.
"What? Of course I would be... It's Christmas and I love this day" Jungkook says, chuckling.

"You know, I still remember when we first celebrated Christmas with little Taeju, and then Jung-Ae" Jungkook says, sighing in satisfaction.
"Hmm... Yeah, that was a messy day but it was enjoyable" Taehyung says, smiling.

"How about another Christmas with a new baby?" Taehyung says, wiggling his brows.
"Hyung, why do you keep saying that?" Jungkook cried out and Taehyung smiled.
"Well, I want a daughter" Taehyung says and Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Maybe soon" Jungkook says, chuckling.
"You promised that" Taehyung says and they wrapped their pinkies together.
"Yeah, yeah" Jungkook says, rolling his eyes again.
"Look! A mistletoe!" Taehyung says out of the blue, startling Jungkook.

He felt lips connect with his and he kisses back.
"There was no mistletoe and you just wanted to kiss me" Jungkook says, bopping Taehyung's nose after they pulled away.
"Yeah" Taehyung says, chuckling.
"Can't believe I'm married to the werewolf I met and hated me at first" Taehyung says and Jungkook scoffs.

"And I can't believe I'm married to a vampire, who I hated at first"

"And I can't believe I'm married to a vampire, who I hated at first"

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Vampire, Werewolf? We Don't Care [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now