"No! I don't want to be away from Mommy and Daddy!!" He sat up from his bed and immediately hugged me. I pulled him up to my lap and patted his back to sooth him. I feel bad for yelling at him and scolding him awhile ago, but if this didn't happen soon, everything might be too late already.

"Mommy and Daddy loves you, Minhoo."

"I love you and Mommy too..."


"Now, now, princess. Listen to me. Don't make this any more harder than this," I called, but she still kept on being a witch and throw her plushies around like she's the lead villain in a movie. I can't believe my own daughter has this sick attitude of throwing things around. "JEON MINHAN, ENOUGH!!!" That's it. That was the last straw.

She did stop however, though she continued to stomp and scream around. I get it, people scream and throw a tantrum when they're frustrated, but I don't want Minhan to grow up with this attitude. I want her to be able to control her anger and not to vent it out by throwing things. Damn, she's just four and now she has anger issues?

(A/n: When I was a kid, I have no temper. It is just now that I grew older that I have anger issues and it had gotten worse and worse. I get angry atleast 10 times a day, and not even my parents can knock me out of my anger phase. I'd just sit there alone and read to let it flow out, and if they disturb me, anger 40% rises up to anger 100%, just why do they have to disturb me when my anger almost cooled off?!)

"What's wrong with you? Not only were you being whiny about not getting something, just because your brother planned on getting something doesn't give you the right to disrespect me and throw a tantrum like a brat!" I went on straight to the point. "I don't mean to tell you you should hide this from your mother, but it doesn't give you the right either to speak about adult matters."

I get it, she was there. She saw everything. She didn't like it. She can't help it but tell her mother. But I was about to speak about it to Y/n anyway...or would I??

"You're a meanie!! You don't love Mommy, you love unnie!!" Jesus Christ, when will children be not fooled from what they see? Eyesight is enough evidence to put us in jail, is that it? "And you're a bad Daddy because you don't love me too!"

Aha!! Barbie drama!! I knew it!!

"Who says I don't love you or your Mommy? Who fed you up with these bad words? I would have been never here for you if I don't love you. I wouldn't give you your toys if I don't."

"That!! That!! You didn't get me that Barbie wheels!!" Does she mean roller skates? "And you didn't get me the other toys I wanted!! So you don't love me!!"

"Princess, listen. I didn't get you those roller--- Barbie wheels because you don't know how to skate. I didn't get you the other toys because you already have so much in here, and you should know where your limits stop. You can't get everything you see. You can't get everything you want. If you do, the other children will be sad because Minhan already got the toys and there are no more toys left for them."

"They get sad because they don't get toys?"

"Ofcourse. Just like you. So let's not be selfish and whatever you want the most and whatever you need is enough. Do you understand me, Minhan?" I kneeled infront of her and kneaded her shoulders softly. She looked down and nodded her head. "That's my princess. No more yelling or throwing a tantrum, okay?"

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