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I clawed through the clothes in my closet, finding it impossible to locate anything that fit the vision that I had swimming in my head. I held various pieces up against my body, groaning in dissatisfaction. Nothing looked right. Though I knew it was stupid, I felt like everything had to be absolutely perfect, down to the material of my clothing, if this was to go well. Mina looked on curiously from her bed, pretending to be nose deep in her notebook.

"Go ahead, say something," I whined, pouting at my reflection in the mirror. Another outfit that wasn't quite right.

"What's the occasion?" Mina asked, sitting up in bed. "I thought you were just going to the studio to write tonight?"

"I am, Mina!" I groaned, unable to hold back my frustration as I threw the umpteenth unsuccessful dress on the floor.

"Okay sassy," she mumbled. "Normally, you throw on a hoodie and some shorts and go to the studio looking like you just crawled out of bed." Mina made her way over to me and started digging through the closet. "Clearly, something else is going on, so tell your fairy godmother so she can find you the perfect fit."

"I'm sorry for the attitude," I murmured quietly, giving her a tight hug around the shoulders. "I plan on telling Jungkook that I love him tonight..." I plugged my ears in preparation for Mina's high-pitched screeching.

"YOU WHAT?" Her voice exploded through the room. "Oh my, girl, you were not just looking at a pair of jeans for this occasion." Mina started running through the room recklessly, plugging in hair tools, pulling out bags of makeup, and dumping accessories out on her bed. "JEANS, Y/N? JEANS!" she shouted furiously.

"It's not that big of a deal, I-"

"Shut up, Y/N, shh, just go sit on the bed and wait for me."

I snapped my mouth closed and followed Mina's instruction for fear of what would happen to me if I tried to fight back, now that I had awoken some sort of beast inside of her. At least I knew I could count on her to make me look like a goddess. Mina had a special eye for this sort of thing. If I was going to put my trust into anyone for this, it would be her.

"Put this on," Mina demanded, throwing me an all-black sleeveless romper with a sweetheart neckline.

"Isn't this a bit much?" I questioned uneasily, examining the garment.

Mina shot me daggers, and I took the hint that this wasn't optional. "We are pairing this with some knee-high black boots and a simple, gold necklace and bracelet." She pulled out the accessories as I finished up changing. "You will wear your hair down and straight- you don't want to look like you're trying too hard."

"Aren't I?"

"Y/N, listen, the all-black is simple, sleek, but sexy," she explained in exasperation. "You only look so fancy because you're drop dead gorgeous in pretty much anything."

"You're going to make me blush," I teased. I definitely needed the boost of confidence right now, so I didn't mind her gassing me up.

Mina spent the next thirty minutes or so doing my hair and makeup for me. I could have managed to do that much on my own, but I didn't dare interrupt her and take away her fun. I had asked Jungkook to meet me at my studio around seven, so I still had another half hour to kill before he would be arriving. I decided to head over early so that I could try to gather my thoughts in peace. Mina had done a great job, but our room currently looked like a tornado had run through it. Not exactly the calming effect that I needed right now.

I sat down at the computer desk in my studio, pulled up the song I was working on, and brought out my notebook in an attempt to distract myself. My song was mostly complete at this point- I only had to add some backing vocals and clean things up. I would be able to show Jungkook the finished copy tonight...and tell him the truth. That he had been my inspiration.

The door popped open after a quick knock and Jungkook made his way into the room. He always looked good, but damn, he looked extra fine tonight. He was fitted in his usual black denim and chunky boots, but this time he was sporting a short-sleeved black button up tucked into his pants. Of course, he left just enough of the top of the shirt unbuttoned to make my mind wander.

I leaped up from my chair and made my way over to him, eager to wrap him in a hug. As if reading my mind, he pulled me into him right away, wrapping his arms around my waist. I instantly felt at peace in his arms- ready to tell him how I felt. This was right.

"You got the all-black memo, huh?" he joked, pulling away just enough to look into my eyes. "You look beautiful," he purred into my ear as he leaned in.

I gave him a gentle peck on the lips before wiggling free of his grasp. A look of disappointment displayed across his face, but I was on a mission, and I was not about to get distracted, no matter how tempting. There would be plenty of time to indulge later.

"Take a seat," I motioned towards the chair next to mine. "We have some work to do. Well, I can watch."

"Oh, I don't mind watching you," he replied with a devilish grin. Jungkook, you are really testing me, right now. Be strong, Y/N. Be strong!

"Um- I worked more on the verses," I explained, trying to maintain my focus. "I got the first part down...if you'd like to listen."

Jungkook nodded his head in anticipation. "Of course."

I started the track and began to sing the lyrics to him...

(A/N: Song credit is 'Love Like This' by Jessica Andrea)

You could make my heart beat stronger than a drumbeat

Drown by the screams when the show starts

You cover me in goosebumps, just thinking about us

Kinda makes me want to take it too far

I let the music play in the background while I prodded for his feedback. "So, how's the opening verse?"

Jungkook hadn't shown much of a reaction while I'd sang, or at least, I couldn't read his reaction. He brought a hand to his mouth, chewing at the skin of his fingers, taking a while to think before responding. He remained silent, staring into my eyes with such a serious look that I was a bit taken aback.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned. "Was it awful, or something?"

"I love you."

My breath hitched in my throat as my mind registered his words. I forgot to breathe for a moment, just sitting there blinking my eyes at him. Did he just say what I think he said? "W-what?"

"Do you want me to repeat myself or did I just break you?" he smirked. "You look like you're about to break out into hives."

"No. No need to repeat yourself- I just wasn't expecting that at all," I blabbered. "I- um, I actually planned to tell you...some things, today." I kicked myself, realizing that those words didn't sound exactly how I intended.

"You're kind of scaring me..." he mumbled, playing with his hands anxiously. Yep, I definitely gave him the complete opposite idea.

I took in a deep breath before starting. "I actually wrote this song for was never about a past relationship," I explained. "I've never felt the things I feel for you before so I wouldn't even know where to begin writing about a love like this- that is, until I felt that love with you."

I placed my hand on top of his and looked deep into his eyes. "To be perfectly clear, this song was for always has been. I just didn't want to admit it."

Jungkook bit his bottom lip, trying to contain the bright, kiddish smile that was bursting through. " feel the same?"

I, too, couldn't help but smile as I sat there looking at him, taking in his adorable reaction. "Yes, Jungkook- I love you."

My Muse [Jungkook x Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat