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"H-hey, can I, uhm, come in?" I rubbed the back of my neck, staring down at my shoes uncomfortably as I stood in front of Jungkook's open door. I slowly raised my head to look at him, expecting to see the same look of irritation from earlier- but his eyes were much gentler now. It had taken all of my built up confidence just to come face him, so I'd hoped he wasn't still as upset as he was earlier.

He nodded his head in response and opened the door fully to let me inside. "You shouldn't be walking up and down the halls," he mumbled with a straight face. He motioned me to follow him over to the couch, matching my slow pace, and allowing me to hang onto him for support. "You should have called me...I would've come to you."

"Thank you," I smiled faintly as I took a seat. Jungkook took a seat next to me and opened and closed his mouth a few times as if he was unsure what to say.

"I'm sorry," he eventually settled on apologizing. "My reaction was emotional, and I shouldn't have stormed off...especially after learning that you got hurt." His face was riddled with disappointment, but it appeared to be directed towards himself. "I should have just been there for you."

"I'm sorry, too," I started. "I didn't tell you, not because I didn't trust you, but because I didn't want you to think that it was your fault or that you could've done anything different," I tried to explain.

"I could have, though," he sighed out, shaking his head. "It was dangerous- I should have realized something could happen," he spoke with downcast eyes.

I instinctively lifted my hand to his cheek, wanting to stop him from blaming himself. He was doing the exact thing I wanted to avoid. "Please, stop, it's not-"

"If you go home from this- it will be because of me," he interrupted my words.

I wanted to scream in frustration, but I sucked in a deep breath and calmed myself down as I fought back the urge to headbutt him. Don't kill him, Y/N. He means well. "I won't being going home. I fully intend to win this round, handicap or no handicap," I answered confidently, trying to ease his worry.

Jungkook nibbled at the side of his cheek and gave me a weak smile. "You will win. I have no doubt in my mind." He seemed to be cheering up, little by little.

"I know!" I joked, slapping his shoulder playfully. "So, stop looking at me like I just died- you're acting like a cute little puppy dog."

He sucked his teeth and narrowed his eyes at me. Perhaps I was playing a dangerous game by teasing the beast, but if it got him out of his head then it would be worth it. I only wanted him to go back to his normal spirited self. "A cute little puppy dog?" he hummed, daring me to repeat myself.

"The cutest," I snickered, staring right into his eyes, challenging him. Maybe it was the maknae complex, but he didn't like being called 'cute'. Plus, he liked to think he had the upper hand against me- that I was putty in his hand, which was only half true.

"Are you messing with me, Y/N?" he questioned, cocking his head, a smirk on his lips.

"What if I am?" I gasped, dramatically. I probably just sealed my death, but oh well. Goodbye, sweet world.

Jungkook laughed loudly at my response before focusing his eyes on me again, looking at me like I was prey. He leaned in close to me, wrapping one hand behind my neck, and pulling my face towards his until we were mere inches apart. "I gave you the chance to back out," he whispered lowly.

He pressed his lips to mine, dragging one hand up the side of my waist, and gripping my roughly. This kiss felt different- lustful. My heart was thumping wildly in my chest just from his touch. His strong hands dragged me towards him until our chests were pressed up against each other, both rising and falling from our burdened breaths.

I ran my hands through his hair, gripping ever so slightly as he leaned his head back. I was practically on top of him at this point, our legs tangled together on the sofa. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, awaiting my approval, as his hands continued to roam my body. I obliged, our tongues flirting with each other between warm, heavy breaths. We pulled apart just for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, now dark with desire. I wanted to tell him, in that instant, exactly what I felt for him- but I held my tongue.

A knock upon the door interrupted the moment of eye contact between us, and I watched as the emotion in his eyes was replaced with pure aggravation. "I'm going to kill them, whoever they are," he growled.

Part of me was glad for the interruption, knowing that if we continued like that, things would certainly go too far. As much as I wanted it, and damn I wanted it, I also didn't want to move too fast. I hadn't told him my true feelings yet, after all, and now wasn't the time to do so. Still, I felt an overwhelming disappointment as I watched him stand and walk towards the door.

"Somebody better damn well be dead," Jungkook hissed, opening the door to Taehyung and Jimin.

"Oh, no, what were you two lovebirds doing?" Taehyung chuckled coyly, wiggling his brows.

"Tae, I think he's actually going to murder you..." Jimin warned, patting his friends' shoulder.

"Jin called a family meeting- don't shoot the messenger," Taehyung said, lifting his hands up in front of him. "He told me there were to be no exceptions."

"Fine. Tell him it has to be here- Y/N needs to stay off her ankle," Jungkook replied, still bitter in his tone. "Please," he added, trying to calm down a bit.

"And you need to stay off Y/N, damn," Taehyung burst into laughter, glancing between myself and Jungkook, certainly looking a bit disheveled.

Jimin slapped his hand to his forehead, and eagerly dragged Taehyung away from the door before he could get himself in anymore trouble with Jungkook. "We will be right back!" Jimin shouted, letting the door close behind him.

Jungkook massaged the sides of his forehead and moved to take a seat back down on the couch. He glanced over to me and leaned in, "so, shall we continue?"

I placed my hand over his mouth and backed away. "Absolutely not! I am not getting caught in any sort of vulnerable position when they burst through the door without so much as a knock."

"You're no fun," he pouted. "But fine, let me help you," he giggled, tidying some of my wild strands of hair and tucking them behind my ear.

"Can you join me in the studio, tomorrow?" I suddenly blurted out, biting down on my lip.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He raised a brow in confusion.

"I just- I worked on the song more and I want to show you." It was time to admit to him the truth. That the song that I was writing was about him- not some past love. That he was my muse. That he was the 'new love'. I wanted him to know- even if confessing it was absolutely terrifying.

"I'd love to hear more," he rubbed my cheek, looking at me adoringly.

The door burst open, just as I had predicted, with Jin leading the pack, followed by the rest of the BTS members, and Mina. "FAMILY MEETING WILL NOW COMMENCE!"

My Muse [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now