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"Ah, come on, you can't drink on the first question!" Jimin complained. "Y/N, you two grew up together, don't you know who his first love was?" he questioned, looking over to me.

"Leave the man alone, he drank already," Namjoon groaned, giving Jimin a smack on the leg. "He is our guest, so cut him a little slack."

"I don't know the answer, anyways," I spoke up. "Jackson dated so many girls over the years, it could be anyone," I teased.

"You're such a brat," Jackson retorted, rolling his eyes playfully. "How about you go next then, since you're so confident?"

Taehyung quickly handed me a card, eyes sparkling with eagerness, much like the rest of the room. I grabbed the card and read the words aloud, "Who was your last kiss?" Nope, not touching that one. I didn't even take a moment to ponder over the question, before hastily grabbing my glass of wine and chugging down the alcohol. I prayed nobody noticed the slight heat rising to my cheeks.

I caught Namjoon holding back laughter out of the corner of my eye, covering his mouth with his hand ever so casually. Of course, he was assuming the answer after catching me in Jungkook's room...not that he was wrong, but still. I didn't dare glance over at Jungkook, just on the off chance that he may give an obvious reaction.

"Are you guys just thirsty?" Hoseok laughed. "Give me a card, I'll answer the question," he said holding his hand out to Taehyung impatiently. Taehyung obliged and passed a card over.

"Who in the room do you think make the best couple?" Hoseok read aloud. "Jimin and Taehyung," he answered instantly, cracking up and making a heart with his hands at the two sitting beside each other on the couch.

"Eat shit," Taehyung growled, throwing a pillow at his head. "You and everyone else."

"Your turn, Jungkook" Hoseok, said as he dodged Taehyung's attack and sat up to grab another card. I looked over to Jungkook as he took the card in his hands and read over it quietly.

"Y/N..." Jungkook said in a near whisper.

"Huh?" I perked up at the sound of my name, furrowing my brows in confusion. I didn't have any idea what his card said, but I didn't like the fact that I had any involvement in it.

Jungkook turned to face me, eyes staring into mine- this time impossible to read. He delicately took my chin in his hand and leaned in before placing his lips on mine.

The room erupted into a cacophony of incoherent shrieks and laughter. Meanwhile my face was turning a shade so red it was closer to that of a tomato than actual human skin tone. I could feel the rhythm of my heartbeat pounding in my cheeks. Jungkook smirked against my lips and threw his card on the table before pulling away.

A series of hands rushed to grab the card while I stayed unmoving, mouth slightly agape in shock from what had just occurred. Jimin was the first to snatch the card. He read it to himself at first and began to laugh uncontrollably. "Idiot, you're supposed to answer the question- not do it," he managed to choke out, eyes watering from laughing so hard.

Taehyung plucked the card out of Jimin's grip and finally read the question to the group. "Who would you most like to kiss in this room?"

I winced from embarrassment and pressed my fingers into my eyes, wishing I could shrivel up and disappear from existence. It's not like I didn't like it...but I didn't exactly want to share the moment with everyone else in the room. I hadn't exactly shared the fact that I had ever kissed Jungkook before with anyone other than Mina, and from the sounds of the reactions, Jungkook hadn't shared that information either.

Jin's voice from the kitchen pulled the group's attention away, allowing me a moment of respite to recover myself. "Come eat! I think you've had enough fun for right now," he shouted, holding up food to lure everyone over. Jin was truly an angel- I would have to thank him for the interruption later.

I took advantage of the minor distraction and slipped away to Hoseok's studio to gather my thoughts in the peace and silence. I slid down the wall and rested my head against the bookcase as I steadied my shaky breaths. The door cracked open after a few short knocks, and I turned my head to see Jackson peering into the room.

"May I?" he asked cautiously.

I nodded and allowed him to take a seat on the floor next to me. "I'm just trying to recover from the complete and utter mortification of what just happened," I breathed out.

"You're not embarrassed because you hated it- just because everyone found out, right?" Jackson questioned, not making eye contact.

"Have you always been that intuitive?"

"You know how long I've known you?" Jackson smiled affectionately, turning to look at me. He flicked the side of my forehead. "You are more obvious than him- there's only one thing at that dinner table last night that you were drooling over more than the food."

I sighed and gave him a soft smile.

"Why didn't you just tell me? That's the kind of drama I live for," he exclaimed dramatically.

"You sound just like Mina..." I shook my head, chuckling quietly to myself. "Who, by the way, put it in my head that you are hiding a secret love for me."

Jackson scrunched his nose, holding back laughter. "Look, Y/N, you were for sure my childhood crush- I was obsessed with you," he started. "...but somewhere along the line you became a sister to me, and now thinking of you in that manner actually disgusts me."

I smacked at him wildly. "You could have put that a bit nicer!" Nevertheless, I was relieved and slightly ashamed that I had ever entertained the idea that he had feelings for me that were more than familial. I mentally cursed Mina for putting the wild thoughts in my head.

"I do love you, but it's not a secret, and it's not like that," he continued, pulling me into a side hug. I hugged him back and rested my head on his shoulder.

Jackson began to stand and offered me a hand up. "Now, let's get back before your jealous little monster really gets the wrong idea," he grinned. "You should really get him back, you know...I don't remember you being the kind of girl who blushed so easily."

Something about Jackson's words lit a fire under me. He was right. Again, I found myself being taunted and played with like a passive little lamb. I kept falling in and out of this cycle- completely subdued by Jungkook. But there was still a ferocity inside of me, ready to fight back. We may have admitted to having feelings for each other, but I wasn't going to play into his hand every time.

I walked out of the room, eyes narrowed, focused on Jungkook, with a newfound confidence burning inside of me. He was sitting on the couch with Namjoon and Taehyung to his right, all of them drinking and chatting casually. I made my way over to three of them, and gently sat myself down on the side of Jungkook's lap, legs resting between his.

I pointedly ignored their widened eyes and spoke, "so, what's next?"

Jungkook gulped and opened and closed his mouth a few times before speaking. "Uh- I think Tae had another drinking game in mind."

"Great," I smiled, eyeing his lips. "Well, let me go fill my glass then...I'll be right back," I spoke in a low tone, placing a soft kiss on his lips, and rising to my feet to walk away towards the kitchen. I didn't bother to glance back at him, but I could almost perfectly imagine the look on his face and that was satisfaction enough.

Jackson gave me a subtle thumbs up after witnessing the scene. "That's my girl," he mouthed, so only I would notice.

You're done for, Jeon Jungkook.

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