Gone but never forgotten- Yelena

Start from the beginning

"Talia, dinner!" You call out and set her plate down on the table.

Your little girl comes running into the room, sitting down.

"Is Мама joining us today?" You ask her.

Talia nods and pulls the chair out next to her. You plate up some food onto another plate and set it down on the table in front of your wife's chair. Natalia likes it when you cook for Yelena as well.

"Enjoy, baby." You whisper to the empty chair, before calling out for Natasha.

"Ooh, something smells good in here." Natasha says appreciatively as she enters the kitchen.

"Help yourself." You smile at her and sit down to eat your food.

Natasha makes you a plate and walks over to the table, smiling at the extra plate. "Hi, Lena." She says and sits down next to you.

"Мама says 'hi, poser'." Natalia tells her Aunt who huffs playfully.

"So, little widow, what have you been up to today?" Natasha asks her niece.

"Mommy and I went out for breakfast this morning and we had pancakes. Then we went to the park and I went really high on the swings! I also went on the slide but I fell over and scraped my knee- I didn't cry though, I'm strong jsut like my Мама!" She says proudly which makes Nat smile. "Then we got some ice cream and fed the duckies. When we came home, I watched frozen with Мама whilst Mommy did some cleaning. Then Мама and I coloured whilst Mommy cooked."

"Sounds like you've had a good day, malyshka." Natasha smiles at her.

Natalia nods. "Maybe you can come with us next time we go to the park, Auntie Nat."

"I'd love to, sweet girl." Natasha says happily.

Natalia looks to her right and giggles sheepishly before picking her fork up and eating her food. You smile, knowing Yelena is scolding her for not eating.


"Yes, Tal?" You reply.

"Can I have a baby brother or sister?" She asks which makes you pause.

Your heart clenches and you close your eyes for a moment before opening them. "We can't, Princess, I'm sorry."

"Why not? Is it because Мама isn't here?" She asks. "B-Because Auntie Nat could give you a baby."

You send Natasha an apologetic smile which she shrugs off.

"It doesn't quite work like that, sweetie." You say softly.

"B-But Мама gave you me, and Мама and Auntie Nat are the same." She pouts confusedly. (Pretend Nat and Yelena r both g!p in this)

"But Auntie Nat is Мама's sister. Мама and I loved each other very much when we had you. I love Auntie Nat, but not in the way I loved your Мама." You explain.

"Can't you love Auntie Nat then?" She asks.

You chuckle sadly. "Baby, I don't think I'll ever love anyone again. Your Мама was my soulmate, I don't want anyone else."

"Мама says that she doesn't want you to be alone forever. She wants you to fall in love again." Natalia tells you.

"It's not that simple, baby." You whisper. "Tell Мама, that as long as I have you, I'll never be alone."

Natalia smiles and repeats the words to her Мама, even though Yelena can hear you perfectly.

"I'm sorry, Nat." You whisper.

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