“Hey, why don't we get you inside?” She moved up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and gazed into her soulful eyes. She looked perfect and all he wanted to do was to lean in and kiss those lips. Those soft, rose-petal lips. He turned his gaze back to the door. He didn't want to feel bad for making a mistake of kissing a girl with a boyfriend.

            When he started to move, he felt Jessamine tug on his shoulder. He turned around and felt her lips on his. She kissed him. Not even thinking—just intuition—he kissed her back. Her hands went up around his neck and grasped his hair. His hands found her hip, and he pulled her towards him. They stayed there for what felt like a millennia. Just kissing. It wasn’t hot or needy; it was just a kiss between two people.

            Ambers pulled back and glared into her eyes. He could see the passion behind those eyes and knew that she probably saw the same thing in his eyes. He wanted her so badly, but he knew that she was dating Zack.  Oh, wait, he had totally forgotten that she had broken up with Zack.

            His gaze slid to her mouth, and he saw a smile that spread across her face like butter being melted on a freshly made roll. He couldn’t help but smile as well. He was looking at the girl of his dreams.

            Jessamine grabbed his hand in hers and led him into her house. Once in the house, Officer Hollings was sitting at the little kitchen table waiting for them. His face was stern and emotionless, stolid and as blank as a white wall. Nothing.

            “So, you two had fun, I guess?”

            “Yes, sir,” Ambers muttered, dropping Jessamine’s hand. He didn’t know why he did, but he didn’t want to make the wrong impression.

            “Good,” he looked over at his daughter, “Go to your room and go to bed, while I take him home to his worrying foster family.”

            “Yes, Father,” Jessamine said, moving away from Ambers slowly and tentatively as if she didn’t want to leave his side. However, she did what her father told her to do.

            Ambers felt the heavy gaze of Hollings on him. It felt heavy as a brick. Sluggishly, he let his gaze meet Hollings. This time, his stare was stern and had a purpose. Ambers knew that he had to get home so his foster parents could stop worrying about him, but something deep down in him told him that they were fine without him as they were with him. He felt like he belonged there at Jessamine’s house more than he ever did with any of his foster parents.

            Hollings got up and walked over towards him. “Let’s get going.”

Walking up the stairs to his apartment, Ambers wondered what type of reaction he was going to get from his foster parents. Hollings was ahead of him, he just hoped that they will take it easier if he came to walk him to the door. Sighing, he stopped on the third step away from the landing, while Hollings knocked on the door.

            Dylan answered the door and was surprised to see Hollings standing there with Ambers towards the back. “Hollings, why don’t you come inside,” he offered, taking a step back. Hollings strolled in, while Ambers followed, not knowing what was to happen.

            Betsy was sitting at the table with a mug full of tea in her hands. She looked worried but seemed unfurled about anything. Her gaze shot up when Ambers meandered into the room. Her lips spread into a big smile. Ambers couldn’t help but smile as well.

            “Why don’t you sit down, Officer?” Betsy said, inclining to the seat that was across from hers. “I think we need to have a talk about…”

            “Honey, why don’t you get Hollings something to drink before we ask him some questions?” Dylan chimed in.

            She nodded and got up. “What would you like to drink?”

            “Coffee, if that’s fine,” Hollings said softly.

            Ambers started to move towards his room, so he could at least get ready for bed. However, Dylan called for him to sit next to Hollings. Ambers seemed worried to what was to happen, but he didn’t want to get into any more trouble, especially if he was in any type of trouble already.

            Within a few moments, they are all seated around the table. Dylan and Betsy were beside each other, while Hollings and Ambers were sitting next to each other. Ambers really didn’t know why they were like this, but something deep down inside him told him that they have something to tell him. Dylan looked cold and solid as a rock. He didn’t show any emotions. He just sat there with one arm draped around his wife and the other hand was holding his coffee. Betsy sat there timid and antsy. Her thumb thumped against her mug of tea.

            Hollings cleared his voice to break the awkward silence that had befallen over them. “Well, he knows what he is. He changed today, that is why I asked to take him home late today.”

            “All right, that’s fine,” Dylan said. “Thanks though.”

            Hollings nodded. “Dylan, you’ve been my friend since we were kids. I think you should tell Ambers what you are and what you do for the supernatural society here and in Chicago. You shouldn’t leave him in the dark, just tell him.”

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