"On the contrary. I think it's the best time for you. Just pretend Draco's face is the bludger. Put that pent up energy to some good use. Your mouth could use a break." She lifted her middle finger up at him, still just staring upward at the blue sky ahead. She desperately wished she could just sink into the field and disappear. "Alright, gather around everyone!" Blaise shouted to the other teammates and newbies wanting to tryout. Ophelia finally sat up, staring at them all. She wasn't entirely pleased to be seeing Daphne Greengrass trying out for chaser this year, but she had just hoped to see her fail. "Now let's sort out the teams." Blaise instructed, beginning to appoint each student to a side. There was his team, and Ophelia's. Being that there weren't that many people trying out, they had decided to do tryouts with only one chaser per round, just to ensure everyone got a fair chance and it was equal. Daphne was chosen by Blaise, Ophelia chose Harper, and so on and so forth. Once the teams were sorted, the lot of them mounted their brooms and lifted up into the air.

Pansy and Theo sat watching their friends breeze through this like it were nothing. Theo had done quidditch last year, but decided to quit due to lack of energy, focus and just the simple fact that he refused to follow the rules. Pansy had no desire to ever join, sports just weren't her thing and she took pride in that. Ophelia couldn't help but feel a bit sad due to Draco not being there to watch. He quit playing in fourth year, but he watched the tryouts last year and now he was just in his own world, isolating himself away from them all.

As Ophelia swung the bat, she hit the bludger far out of sight and Blaise clapped for her just from across the air. She reached down to grab her broom and fly to the other side of the post, when a sudden swoosh from below her nearly caused her to lose her balance, as she felt her body turn upside down. She gripped the handle tighter, looking to her left and seeing Daphne concealing a laugh from her own broom. Ophelia looked to Blaise, who shook his head sternly, and she disobeyed, climbing back upright in a quick motion and lowering herself to the ground with an excessive force of speed. Everyone else followed suit.

Hoping off her broom, as Pansy and Theo approached the field not knowing what may come next, Ophelia pried her gloves off, tossing them to the side and tightened her ponytail as she charged straight toward Daphne who had been laughing with one of the other Slytherin's. "Really, Greengrass? Wanna play dirty?" She snapped, grabbing the girl by her own ponytail, and she yanked her to the ground, straddling her waist. Instantly, she began banging her fists into her face. Her hands began to heat up, but she was blinded by her rage to even care if her powers came through. Blaise and Theo quickly ran over to the girls, and picked Ophelia up and off of Daphne, who was bleeding profusely from her nose and crying. "What? You can't take what you dish out?" She shouted at her.

"You're a psycho!" Daphne screamed back and Ophelia tried to have another go at her, but Blaise wrapped her up in his arms, stopping anything more from happening.

"Ophelia! That's enough!" Blaise shouted at her.

"She tried to knock me off my fucking broom, Blaise!" Ophelia screamed at him, pointing her finger at the injured girl who had other Slytherin's surrounding her with comfort.

"That doesn't mean you go and jump her!" He shouted back at her, and her mouth gaped open, surprised.

"I could have fucking died!" Ophelia was shocked at the fact that Blaise wasn't understanding her side of it all.

"But you didn't! That's no excuse to bring yourself down to their level just because you're pissed off at the world!" He screamed at her.

"She fucking deserves it!" Ophelia shouted back, refusing to take her eye of the enemy.

"You're taking your anger out on the wrong fucking person! Grow the hell up, Ophelia!" Blaise snapped, as she yanked her arm from his grasp and stormed off the field. Pansy began to follow, but Blaise held his arm out to stop her. "Let her be. She needs some time alone." He muttered to her before going over to Daphne to ensure she was alright.

As Ophelia was exiting the arena, she couldn't help but notice a dark figure had stood leaned up against the side of the entry tunnel and she paused for a brief moment before shaking her head with an angry laugh and continuing on up the hill. The person following after. "Great, what the hell do you want?" She snapped at him.

"You losing your mind, Pierce?" He asked.

"For fucks sake, piss off, Malfoy. I don't need another fucking lecture, let alone from you." She waved him off but he kept on following.

"I've seen you get knocked of your broom plenty of times, and I've seen the other teams fuck with you every match. So tell me, are you really that mad about almost being knocked off your broom? Or did that little stunt with Daphne have something to do with our discussion the other day?" He continued matching her pace uphill.

"Oh, so you really do think everything's about you, huh?" The sarcasm was radiating off of her by now.

"Clearly, I struck a nerve. I'd like to apologize for that. My uh, comments made to you that day were inappropriate and unnecessary—,"

"Hey, you know, I'm not really in the mood for more of your bipolar mood swings, so if you could kindly just leave me alone, that'd be great. I'm going to go drown myself in Moaning Myrtles toilet or something." She snapped, as he stopped walking and let her hurry off. He felt like a complete git. Even more so now.

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