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meet me at our spot

Dru woke with a sudden jerk, and quickly realized she wasn't in her own apartment. Rubbing her head, tiredly, she looked beside her to a shirtless Draco sleeping soundly. Quickly lifting the sheet, she double checked to make sure her clothes were still intact. Letting out a sigh of relief, she was happy to know she hadn't gotten too drunk and made a fool out of herself. Looking back to the sleeping man, his eyes were now open, staring up at her. "We didn't do anything, if that's what you're wondering." He smirked, placing his arm behind his head and resting against it.

"I just wanted to double check that I didn't forget something last night." She laughed at her own foolishness. "God, my boss is going to lose it when I go in for work next."

"Why don't you just quit?" He asked.

"And be out of a job? Yeah, that'd be a great way to lose my apartment." She told him with another laugh. Sometimes he forgot that others actually needed to work and make money. Rich people privilege, you could say.

"Well, what are your plans for the day then?" He asked, as she lifted up his wrist and looked at the watch, noting the time of 11:13 am.

"I should probably go to my place. Get some actual sleep, maybe." She told him, getting up and out of his bed. He followed suit, finding the nearest clean white shirt and pulling it on. She couldn't help but watch. His body was fit, and she was slightly embarrassed even being around him shirtless, as it made her nervous even more so.

"Would you care to join me tonight? Maybe we could go out and get some real dinner?" He asked, reaching forward carefully, grasping onto her hand gently. Oh, the butterflies again. If only she knew that this was not his normal demeanor toward others, and that she somehow made a light shine within his dark tormented soul. He wondered what she would think of him, if she knew the things he has done.

"Yeah, I'd like that." She blushed. His hand still held onto hers as he walked her out of the room and to the front door of his flat. Completely disregarding the fact that his friends were hanging out in the living room, drinking coffee to cure their hangovers.

"I'll pick you up at 7." He told her, confidently, with the door opened. And she nodded. His thumb grazed over hers as he stared down at her. Feeling vulnerable and confident herself, she suddenly, without even fully thinking, leapt up and pressed her lips against his. His other hand now reached to the back of her neck, pulling her into him a little more. These butterflies in her stomach were even more persistent as she felt herself melting into him. Finally, she's met a decent guy who doesn't try and pressure her into anything or have an obnoxious ego, well, that she knew of. This was refreshing, and so new to her. As they parted ways, the two realized they were being watched. They turned to see the three friends, staring at them. Pansy from the couch with a coffee mug in hand, Blaise on the loveseat with a broad smirk, and Theo standing near the window, mouth agape and enjoying this intrusive moment. Dru felt her face grow red once again. "Does privacy mean nothing to any of you?" Draco called out to them.

"No." They all announced in unison, making Dru laugh.

"Pansy, have you ever seen Draco actually kiss a girl goodbye before?" Theo asked the girl.

"Never." She said, shocked.

"Alright, alright." Draco interrupted, leading Dru out the door some more. "I'll see you tonight." He told her with a smile and she nodded, giving a small wave goodbye. He watched her walk off and out of sight, before he reentered his flat, glaring at his friends. "Don't even start with me." He told them, forcefully as he made his way to the sofa and sat himself beside Pansy.

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