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slow dancing in the dark

Dru sat on her sofa by the window, reading The Bell Jar intently, not wanting to remove her eyes. She was so engrossed that she hadn't realize time had gotten away from her when a knock on her door caused her to nearly jump out of her own skin. Setting it aside, she made her way to the front door where she was met with a face she hadn't been expecting. "Where were you today?" The girl asked, inviting herself in and shutting the door behind her.

"I took the day off." Dru shrugged.

"Bianca is so pissed, dude." Calista informed her, plopping down on the sofa, accidentally kicking the book to the floor. Dru reached down, picking it up and placing it on the coffee table.

"When isn't she? I've never had a day off in the two years I've worked for her, so let her be." She shrugged, standing before her. "So you came here to scold me for skipping out on work?"

"No, I came here to hangout." Calista rolled her eyes.

"Well, I can't." Dru told her, causing Calista to stare over at her, confused.

"Why?" She asked, prying.

"I uh, have plans." Dru scratched at her head, awkwardly.

"Well with who? Ziggy's on a date-," she stopped herself as Dru watched her mentally place two and two together. "Holy shit, do you have a date?" Calista shouted enthusiastically.

"I mean, not really. I'm not entirely sure what it is. We just made plans." Dru shrugged.

"Okay, but with who? Wait, is that why you took the day off? Were you with this mystery man?" She demanded answers and she wanted them now.

"Oh my god, Cal, chill. It's not like that. I mean it is, I think, but no, we haven't like— slept together?" Dru was confusing herself now.

"Well, what's his name?"

"Draco. He's the guy from Zig's flat. The upstairs apartment?" Dru was hoping she wouldn't get too excited, because she feared that if it didn't work out, she'd be embarrassed.

"Wait? The totally hot neighbor who you're always running off to smoke with?" Calista grew louder, more excited than she probably should have been.

"Yes, Cal. The totally hot neighbor I smoke with." Dru responded, glancing ahead at the clock on the wall. 7 on the dot. And a knock came from the front door. He was exactly on time.

"Oh my god, is that him?" Calista leapt up from the couch, and answered the door before Dru could stop her. Draco's face looked confused, as he stared at the random girl he was faced with.

"Draco, I presume." Calista widened the door and Draco immediately spotted Dru behind her, mouthing 'I'm so sorry'. "I'm Calista. Dru's best friend." Calista smiled, letting him in.

"Pleasure." Draco spoke, walking through the doorway, and to Dru's side. "Did you want to reschedule?" He asked her.

"Oh, no, not at all." Dru assured him.

"What are your plans for tonight?" Calista asked, prying yet again. Dru eyed her, wishing she'd just leave and not continue to make this uncomfortable, but Calista didn't understand boundaries or hints.

"I was actually thinking maybe since we went to dinner last night, and didn't eat due to my friends, we could try again tonight, if that's alright with you, Dru?" He asked her. Before she could open her mouth to approve the plan, Calista interrupted, again.

"Wait, you met his friends, but haven't introduced us?" Calista was jealous. She enjoyed intruding on others lives. But Dru usually had no issue with it, she just didn't want to fuck up this chance with Draco.

"It wasn't planned, Cal." Dru assured her.

"If you'd like to join us, you're welcome to. I wouldn't mind getting to know some of Dru's friends." Draco told her. He was determined to make a good impression. He was this far in already, and a very big part of him wanted to know more about Dru's life, even if that meant her somewhat rude friends. But then again, his friends were pretty abrasive last night as well.

"If you insist." Calista beamed, winking at Dru.

"Well, instead of dinner, my friends are actually out at this bar tonight, if you'd two like to go there?" He questioned. He had never put this much effort into hanging out with a girl before. And he was very uncomfortable with it.

"Fine." Dru smiled, rolling her eyes at Calista. "Since you can't just back off." She whispered to her, in a joking manner.

— — —

The three of them entered the loud bar which came across more of a club than anything, and immediately scanned the crowd for Draco's friends. It didn't take long until Dru spotted the short black haired girl seated at the bar with the two boys she had met the prior night. Dru, grabbing Draco's hand, led him and Calista to the bar. "Dru!" Pansy exclaimed, clearly drunk already. It was actually quite sad. Even though Pansy did become a happy drinker when under the influence, it was her coping mechanism. After all she had endured, especially these past few years, it was her escape from a cruel reality she lived in.

"Love the greeting." Draco smirked, sarcastically.

"Get them two of the same!" Pansy told the bartender, as she pointed to her drink. The man nodded, beginning to make them. "What're you two doing here? I thought it was dinner tonight?" She asked.

"Actually, my friend Calista joined us." Dru smiled, pulling Calista to Pansy. Pansy eyed the girl, admiring her attraction.

"Cali." Calista smiled. Dru could already sense these two would hit it off. The drinks were planted in front of Draco and Dru and the two began casually drinking. It didn't take long for casual drinking to turn into heavy drinking as the night continued on. Pansy had been flirting it up with Calista. While Theo continued to ramble on about Quidditch to Blaise, which went completely over Dru's head, as her and Draco sat comfortably close to one another, talking about the random little things in life.

"So you've never been to Florida? Or Disney World? Even as a child?" Dru questioned.

"I mean, I grew up in England my whole life, so no." Draco laughed, having no idea what Disney World was, and no desire to go to the wastelands of Florida. Dru was drunk, but not drunk enough to lose her head. He noticed how she was pacing herself. He realized she was carefully drinking so she wouldn't be trashed by the end of the night, as their friends were. A good buzz was all they needed, but to him, she was enough of a sweet intoxication that he didn't even really need alcohol. He watched her, enjoying her facial expression shift as he placed his hand on her upper thigh, tightening his grip every so often. If he caught a glimpse of another man looking at her, his grip would tighten more, along with his jaw, and he'd glare over at whoever it was. He was making it clear, that even if she didn't exactly know it yet, she was his, in a sense. At least while she was out with him, she was his.

"You remind me so much of someone." She managed to say as she began to drink water rather than liquor. In her attempt of sobering up.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"I honestly have no idea. You're just familiar. I like that about you. It's almost like I don't have to hide being myself. Obviously you still make me nervous, but it's a good kind of nervous." She laughed at herself. He liked that.

"You never have to hide who you are. Honestly, I feel like you need to open up a little more, love." He said as he leaned forward toward her and brushed a section of hair behind her ear. Their eyes locking intensely, and Draco couldn't help himself but lean in and kiss her. She was consuming. He wanted to drown in her, but god this pit of guilt lay heavy in his stomach as the two grew closer. He was terrified of what the outcome could be if they continued on with this sinful pursuit. But he was tempting fate now, and he couldn't stop. He just knew he had to keep her safe. Draco Malfoy was always one for secrets, and she'd be his dirtiest of them all.

Dru had a hard time fighting off her feelings for him as well, but only for the simple fact that she had to keep her guard up after all she's dealt with from the past. She wasn't entirely sure if she was ready to begin something serious, but it seemed to be happening without a second warning. She was scared, but after three years, she forced herself to remember it was time. Time for change, time to let herself be happy again.

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