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a means to an end

"That's the signal." Fred told Dru as she looked up to the sky to see the white light that had gone as soon as it came. Firenze and the other centaurs hurried to them, weapons on their bodies as they were as ready as anyone could be in a time like this.

"Miss Pierce," a voice spoke and she turned to see Firenze's hand extended outward. She grabbed it, as he pulled her up and onto his back with Fred walking beside them. She held on tight as they hurried their way to the tree line where they could just see the castle across the large grass field. Fred looked to the left, seeing members of the PA approaching the bottom of the hill. Dru's heart was racing as she looked to the castle once again, seeing the clouds turn a dark grey as rain began to trickle down onto them. It was going to be a long night, and she knew it.

"What's the plan?" She peered down to Fred, who was watching across the hill.

"The PA is going to cause a distraction from the front entrance. But we," he stopped, and looked to the drawbridge nearest to them. "We're going there. It leads to the kitchens by Hufflepuff's dormitory. We won't have much time until death eaters get to us, but we don't know where he will be so it's our best bet to give us as much time as possible."

"We need to find Draco." She insisted, feeling like she had no chance of doing this without him by her side.

"Dru, I know you're worried. But we won't have time for that. It's just us. You and me, alright?" He reached upward, grabbing her hand gently, giving a reassuring squeeze. "Draco's tough, Dru. He knows what he's doing." She nodded, looking away from him and back to the castle. Fred watched as a few of the PA members held up their finger in his view, letting him know they needed to wait. After a few moments, one of the members, waved them off in a hurry and Fred looked back up to Dru and then to Firenze. "Let's go." He said and the centaurs positioned themselves, charging toward the bridge. Dru held on tight to Firenze's back as they ran through the grassy field. With the castle approaching quickly, she felt sick to her stomach. No amount of preparation could prepare her for something like this. Rain began to come down even harder as the centaurs reached the entry to the bridge. Fred grabbed Dru's hand, pulling her down from Firenze's back and to her feet.

"We will guard this entry. Go. You don't have much time." Firenze told them, confidently.

"Thank you, Firenze." Fred said, beginning to pull Dru but she stopped him, looking to Firenze and hugging his chest.

"Thank you." She muttered as he pat her back gently. She latched back onto Fred's hand and the two ran across the bridge as quickly as their feet could carry them. They reached the small wooden door, and Fred slowly opened it, walking in with his wand up in front of him. Dru followed him through the run down kitchen, and they made it to the next door leading to the great hall. He turned to her, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head to conceal her as much as possible. He pulled the wand from her jacket pocket and placed it in her hand. She held it up, unsure if she'd even be fully capable of using it. But with the past week of them training, she got a few simple disarming spells down. Fred had more confidence in her than she had herself, but worse case scenario, she knew she had her powers. "I don't think I can do this." She suddenly said, shaking her head, beginning to breath nervously and looking around the room. Fred reached forward, taking her hands in his.

"Hey, hey, breath." He told her, kindly, trying to comfort her as much as he could. "Dru, you are one of the strongest, most resilient person I have ever met. I mean, you snuck into a death eaters manor and saved me." He reminded her, taking her face in one hand and forcing her to look at him. "It's okay to be scared. I get it."

"I dont know what I'm doing, Freddie." She told him, quietly. "I mean, not long ago I was living in my apartment, going to work and hanging out with friends and now I'm in a wizarding world fighting with magic?" She questioned her sanity at this point. Did she make this all up in her head? Was she in a coma and actually just dreaming all of this? She couldn't think straight and heat began to rise in her hands. Fred noticed this, looking down at them and then back up to her.

"Hey!" He interrupted, "you've got this, you hear me? You know what you need to do if a worse case scenario happens. And you know how to do it. I know it's a lot of pressure that Hermione's put on you, but Dru, we need you. I need you." He demanded, pulling her into his chest in a tight embrace.

"I don't want people to die." She whispered.

"Many more will if we don't do this. They know what they have to do and their sacrifices come with a much greater reward. We all agreed to it. Right now, your life is our top priority." He told her, kissing the top of her head and pulling away, looking back down at her. "Please, we need you." She stared at him momentarily before wiping the tears from her cheeks and nodding. "Stay close to me." He opened the door and peered into the great hall. It was empty. They both could hear shouting from outside the castle and they knew they needed to get to wherever Voldemort may be hiding. Gripping onto his hand, Dru followed as he led them through the great hall, following the windows on the wall. She glanced around, trying to imagine what this place would have looked like before an evil wizard took over. She knew it had to have been beautiful.

"Hey! You there!" A voice shouted and they turned to the right to see a death eater approaching, with his wand directed at them.

"Expelliarmus!" Fred shouted at him, pushing Dru behind him as the man's wand flew from his hand.

"In here!" He began to shout and Fred pulled her out through the double doors and into the hall. They looked around frantically for where they should go. Dru wanted desperately to see Draco appear and guide them, but she knew the chance for that was slim to none.

"Get ready." Fred instructed her, as she raised the wand in front of her and they pressed their backs up against one another, preparing for the inevitable.

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