Chapter 20

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/Jake's side/

It's cold outside, the wind brushes his face, the snow begins to fall. Everything seems to go so slowly but so fast at the same time. In his hands, he carefully holds Alexander's gift package. He and his parents are in the direction of his lover's place. Yes, he can officially call him his lover. They've been together for about three weeks. He looks at his gift package one last time, smiling before ringing the bell at Alexander. It is Alexander himself who opens the door with a smile. They aren't comfortable kissing in front of their parents yet, so they just hug each other. Alexander's parents warmly welcome them and invite them to drop off their gifts. Miley is also there with Alexander's sister. About three weeks ago, the day after Jake and Alexander got together, Alexander told him how he found out that his sister didn't have a boyfriend but a girlfriend all this time. And that they both had to explain the situation to their father. Fortunately he realized that he should have been more open-minded towards others. Jake found it pretty funny how Alexander and his sister were both surprise to found out that they weren't straight. The only thing that made him feel embarrassed is when Alexander explained to him that his sister saw them kissing by her window when they came back from the trip. But at least it wasn't their parents who saw them.

They're all sitting at the table, with so many foods in front of them, it's like a big buffet. There is also a cake. Everything is so delicious. Jake's dad also brought some food that he had prepared for the occasion. Everyone liked it. It's actually the first time that they are all reunited together like this at one table. It's a strange feeling but one of the best at the same time. When everybody finished eating, they moved to the living room to exchange gifts. The first ones were Miley and her girlfriend. She got her a new jacket, it was fuzzy and oversized. Alexander's sister then got Miley a box of chocolates for her. It was actually cute to watch because now the family know that they're dating. Alexander's dad seem to have evolved, he's more open to his child's true identity. Jake smiles at Alexander's dad when suddenly a familiar tap on his shoulder make him turn his head towards Alexander. He give him a package that he opens quickly, his eyes brightens as he sees what's inside. It was a gift card from his favorite store and.. another notebook. Almost similar to the one he already had.
-Oh, wow. Thank you so much.
He puts his gifts down. It's his turn to grab the gift for him. He the gives to Alexander a really big box.
-I'm pretty sure that this is gonna be useful. He laughs while Alexander opens the gift.
It was a brand new pair of skis. He have his own pair of skis. He can practice whenever he likes from now on.
-Oh! Thank you! I never expected that! It's for sure gonna be useful!
-I knew you would like ski! Says his dad.
They both smile.
After he puts the big box down Jake stops him;
-Wait, I have to give you something else.
He then proceed to get out a small paper from his pocket. Alexander gently takes the little ball of paper and opens it. Jake waits to see his reaction. Alexander quickly reads the paper and turns to Jake, laughing. In the paper was written a list of all the things Jake would like to accomplish with Alexander in the future. He even put small boxes next to them so that they could check off the ones they made.
-You also want a dog? He asks
-Yeah, why not? We could also get a cat if you prefer.
-Or even a guinea pig!
They laugh together like it doesn't make sense, but in their hearts it all sounds sense.
Alexander's mother gave Jake's mother a huge cookbook for baking. She seemed really happy, so later it was her who gave her a present. It's a knitting that she had done herself, she spends a lot of her free time doing it. It was the right occasion to share his knitting skills. The two fathers, they did not exchange much things except handshakes. Alexander's father looks a lot better. Jake can't imagine the courage that Alexander and his sister must have had to reveal what was really going on. But what matters is that everyone gets along well.

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